Hello and Welcome!

This blog is based on my experiences, mistakes I made, lessons I learnt and what I remembered about who we really are based on years of research, reading books, doing programs, classes, watching videos, taking part in live retreats, but mainly going within. What I remembered and realised often can’t be proven, it is very individual; it happens in you and then to you. My aim in creating this website is not for you to follow its content blindly, to take it as your Truth, but rather it is an invitation to go inside and see if there is any truth to your magnificence that I talk about, to take time to remember yourself how completely amazing you are and how much love there is for you. My hope is that the content will encourage you to start thinking for yourself, to make an effort to change if change is what you are after, to realise your potential, that you are not a victim, but a creator of your life, that you decide what you think, feel and how you act in every second of every day.

A new blog post will be published every two or three weeks.

I welcome your comments and your contributions. There are going to be things that I write about that might resonate with you, but there might be some that won’t. That is completely natural. Everybody is at a different stage of their evolution and everybody is entitled to their own opinion. However, if all you do is blame, judge and criticise, it might be a good time to pause and see if this kind of behaviour is loving to yourself and others, if it brings you happiness and peace and whether it is something that you want to continue doing.

Together with my book, this website has been created to bring more light to the world. I am not interested in creating darkness. I show up every day wanting to be the best version of myself, to remember more about the love that we all are, to see love in myself and others and to treat everybody as love. I still have a long way to go, some days are easier than others, I still react, but it takes me less and less time to go back to love only because I practice, I make an effort every day to do the work, to meditate, to be grateful, to love my life the way it is, to focus on the present moment, to watch my thoughts, feelings, words and actions and change them to love.

So who do you want to be? What do you want to broadcast to the world knowing that more of the same will come back to you?

Wherever in the world you are, whatever your circumstances are, I want you to know that you are loved, unconditionally and always, whether you believe in it or not. I really hope that this content will stir something in you, will help you remember something about yourself that has been forgotten, will make you question what you have been told and will make you go inside and discover who you really are. 

I love you and I thank you for being here and for being you đź’ś



Relationship with your inner being

Far too often we behave in a way other people want us to behave or in a way we think they would like us to behave. We try to please others, be who they want us to be in an effort to be accepted and liked. We want other people to think highly of us, we do not want to disappoint anybody and we do not want to be different. We want to belong.

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Better and worse days

Everybody has better and worse days, everyone experiences times when they feel like they could move mountains and times when they feel tired or overwhelmed. It is completely normal and yet, when we decide to change, when we work on overcoming ourselves and becoming somebody new, we can sometimes become disheartened when we make a mistake, when we notice familiar, unwanted thoughts, feelings and behaviours to appear more often than they normally would. What is more, when your priority is your happiness, when you work on becoming the best version of yourself, when you are really passionate and dedicated and you want to add more love and light to the world, it can be far too easy for you to assume that you should never react, that you shouldn’t have bad days, that you should always be joyful, loving, kind, patient and understanding. That kind of thinking is not only wrong and unhelpful but also not loving to yourself and might lead to thoughts of judgment and self-doubt, questioning yourself, your dedication, your conviction and to feelings of guilt, unworthiness and failure.

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Feeling worthy

Time and time again I find the feeling of unworthiness one of the greatest (if not the greatest) obstacles that we set ourselves preventing us from living our lives to the full, being happy, feeling free, basically being who we truly long to be. I do not just base it on hearing other people’s stories, but also on my own personal struggles with feeling worthy.

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Open you heart and never close it

When we experience problems, when somebody lets us down, when our hearts are broken, we feel hurt. How we respond, what we do afterwards varies greatly and has an impact on our future lives and on our happiness. Some people vouch never to experience anything so painful again, they build protective barriers around them, withdraw from social life and prefer to be alone. There are others who go straight into new relationships without learning any lessons from a previous one, only to find similar patterns and challenges repeating themselves. Some take time to look carefully at what happened, they look at the mistakes made, learn lessons and decide to change, to think, feel and act differently in the future. Their hearts are open, they love themselves and they trust in love.

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Dr Joe Dispenza's AFU retreat

There were many times when I tried to recall when and how I first heard about Dr Joe Dispenza, but to no avail. It feels like he has always been in my life. The first time I saw Dr Joe live was in 2014 at Hay House “I Can Do It” weekend conference. Dr Joe was the main reason why I took part in it. There were many wonderful speakers at the event, however, already back then Dr Joe’s lecture differed, it was special. I remember looking at the room and everyone was silent, everybody paid attention to Dr Joe’s every word. We might not have realised it completely back then, but on some level we could feel Dr Joe’s deep connection to the Truth and to us all, his heart, love, sincerity, care, dedication and passion.

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Bruce Lipton's event in Manchester

We have been really lucky to have some amazing speakers in Manchester just this month like Bruce Lipton and Deepak Chopra and in November we are going to be visited by the amazing Anita Moorjani.

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Is it ok to be selfish?

The word selfish has got a lot of negative connotations attached to it. A lot of us are taught that it is bad to be selfish, that it is important to make other people happy, that we should always put others first and mostly care about what they think and say. Religion practiced in my country when I was growing up certainly encouraged all of the above and made us feel guilty for any selfish thoughts or deeds. However, is it really bad to be selfish? What does it really mean to be selfish?

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A lot of us think that we have to be perfect. We set very high standards for ourselves and other people and are disappointed when they are not met. We believe that we need to be perfect partners, perfect parents, we need to look great, be intelligent and have a great career, lots of money and success. When we do something, we often think it is not enough, that we are not enough.

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Feeling good

If I told you that you hold a secret to happiness in your heart, that you are a powerful being and it is you who decides what your life is like, I am sure that quite a few people would get annoyed and would tell me to get lost.

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3rd Global Walk for the World

On the 21st of April 2024 was the third global Walk for the World organised by Dr Joe Dispenza and his team. Every walking meditation that we do is extraordinary and creates powerful experiences.

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Why is this world so dark and cruel? Why is my life so difficult? Why do these awful things keep happening to me? Why are there people who are mean and want to cause pain and suffering? Why can’t this world just be perfect? These are just some of the questions people ask all the time.

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Saving the World

There are many wonderful people out there who have beautiful hearts, who want to help others and who want to save the world. The truth however is that the world is not broken and nobody really needs saving.

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Never take anything coming from ego personally

In one of my recent morning meditations I was told to never take anything coming from ego personally. Every day I understand and remember more about the Truth, about our essence and yet these reminders coming from within are essential and extremely valuable. Even when you know who you really are, this 3D reality can be very seductive, it can seem overwhelming at times and it is sometimes easy to forget and lose yourself to some extent in self-pity, self-doubt, blame, judgment or fear.

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Beacon of Love and Light

All of us came here for a reason. We actively wanted to be here, to feel all of the possible emotions, to love, to laugh, to cry, to kiss, to hold somebody’s hand, to ride a bike, to listen to birds singing... To experience it all, the so called good and bad.

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Sending Love to Others

Recently I was asked some questions around sending love to others which prompted me to write this blog post. It was particularly the feeling of guilt that was expressed when receiving back the love that was sent to another person.

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Two voices

We think all the time whether we are aware of it or not. As I mentioned in the previous blog post “Realigning to love”, it would be impossible for us to catch every thought every time, however, we can get better and better at observing them. From there we can make a decision whether we want to continue thinking certain way or make a change.

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Realigning to love

The title of this post already contains the essence of what this work is really about. If I was to mention only one thing that would help you become a happier, more loving, caring, abundant and fulfilled person, it would be to observe your thoughts, feelings and actions every day and align them with your Truth, with the Source, with unconditional love that you are a part of. This is what it is all really about.

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What do you focus on?

In the last blog post I talked about New Year’s resolutions, how self-reflection is very important for our growth and what other ingredients are necessary to successfully change something about ourselves and our lives. I mentioned briefly our tendency to focus on things that we don’t want instead of the ones we do. Let’s have a closer look at this subject.

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