Better and worse days

Published on 16 September 2024 at 12:12

Everybody has better and worse days, everyone experiences times when they feel like they could move mountains and times when they feel tired or overwhelmed. It is completely normal and yet, when we decide to change, when we work on overcoming ourselves and becoming somebody new, we can sometimes become disheartened when we make a mistake, when we notice familiar, unwanted thoughts, feelings and behaviours to appear more often than they normally would. What is more, when your priority is your happiness, when you work on becoming the best version of yourself, when you are really passionate and dedicated and you want to add more love and light to the world, it can be far too easy for you to assume that you should never react, that you shouldn’t have bad days, that you should always be joyful, loving, kind, patient and understanding. That kind of thinking is not only wrong and unhelpful but also not loving to yourself and might lead to thoughts of judgment and self-doubt, questioning yourself, your dedication, your conviction and to feelings of guilt, unworthiness and failure.

It is easy to forget that we are not perfect as human beings, that we came here for contrast, that we will always want to grow and evolve and we will always want more. With that come changes and challenges, but what always helps is to see those challenges as opportunities and not problems. We can have days that are extremely busy, we can be hormonal, we might have a bad night’s sleep and can feel very tired. These are the times when we need our love, care and understanding the most. These are definitely not the times to start making important decisions, thinking and analysing, judging and blaming ourselves as this is only going to make matters worse. When we feel tired or overwhelmed, the best is to try to quiet our busy mind and the two best  solutions for that are meditation and sleep. Meditation, even if only a short one, helps you connect with your Truth, with the love inside, it supports you in changing unwanted thoughts, feelings and behaviours and in looking at a situation from a different perspective. Meditation helps you change your reality. A new day brings an opportunity of a completely fresh start, a chance to start thinking, feeling and behaving differently, beginning your day with love, care, joy and gratitude.

You are a perfect, unlimited and amazing being, but the human part is not perfect. Give yourself permission to be ok with not feeling your best. Acknowledge where you are without any judgment, be as loving, caring and understanding towards yourself as possible and always remember to do your best not to linger in negative thoughts and feelings as these will only produce more of the same, making it more difficult for you to go back to love. Remind yourself as often as you can of who you truly are, remember how much love there is for you, in you and all around you. Everything is love and everything comes from love. Love heals all. Your love and care will soothe you and will help you look at the situation with different eyes.

The more you practice feeling good, the more you love yourself, the more care and attention you give yourself on a daily basis, the easier it is going to be not to get caught up in unwanted thoughts and the better you are going to feel even at times when you are tired, hormonal and overwhelmed.

Look after yourself, make happiness your priority and be gentle, loving and understanding towards yourself, both on your better and worse days 💜


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