Dr Joe Dispenza's AFU retreat

Published on 15 July 2024 at 15:51

There were many times when I tried to recall when and how I first heard about Dr Joe Dispenza, but to no avail. It feels like he has always been in my life. The first time I saw Dr Joe live was in 2014 at Hay House “I Can Do It” weekend conference. Dr Joe was the main reason why I took part in it. There were many wonderful speakers at the event, however, already back then Dr Joe’s lecture differed, it was special. I remember looking at the room and everyone was silent, everybody paid attention to Dr Joe’s every word. We might not have realised it completely back then, but on some level we could feel Dr Joe’s deep connection to the Truth and to us all, his heart, love, sincerity, care, dedication and passion.

A lot has happened since that first event, but I have to say that I have never given up on the work, on deepening my connection to Source, to pure, unconditional love that is our Truth. In 2017 I participated in Dr Joe’s Progressive retreat and in 2022 and 2023 I was blessed to take part in two week-long Advanced retreats, which I absolutely loved. It would take too long to write about everything that I experienced there and it all changed me in very profound ways. I distinctly remember sitting in the ballroom at the beginning of the week-long retreat in Cancun in December last year and feeling a deep sense of connection and profound knowing that it was my home, that it was where I belonged. That feeling deepened during the Advanced Follow Up (AFU) retreat that I took part in two weeks ago.

Whenever I go to a retreat my intention is to become more love, to experience deeper and deeper levels of love, to love myself and my life more and to see love in everybody and everything. And that’s exactly what I experience every time for which I feel extremely grateful.

It is your intention, your heart, your perseverance that really matters. Whether you are able to attend a retreat, you simply read Dr Joe’s books and do his meditations or you do your own inner work, there is no limit to what you can achieve, regardless whether it is health, abundance, love, wholeness or anything else that you desire. When you do this work daily with all your heart, sooner or later you will understand that it isn’t really about health or wealth, but about change. In order to overcome something or create something new, you need to change your energy, you need to become a different person. You need to change thoughts, feelings and behaviours that no longer serve you to ones that you want to demonstrate. As Dr Joe says, nothing changes, until you change your energy. And it is so true. It is not enough to do something once or twice, you need to commit, you need to know what you want, set your intention and persevere no matter what. In short, you need to choose you, you need to make happiness your priority and overcome all the programs that no longer serve you, that you no longer need, that are not the real you. All the judgment, anger, frustration, unworthiness, guilt, blame and fear only take you further and further away from the love that you truly are.

Decide to stop being a victim and choose to be a conscious creator of your life. Only you can do it. Nobody else can do it for you.

Now is the best time. In truth there is only now. Do not procrastinate. Make a decision to change your life and do it with enthusiasm and love for yourself. When you change, everything will change with you. Be an example, be love and shine your light on the world. Change starts with you.

Listen to your Truth, listen to that powerful and yet gentle voice of love that is in you. It never leaves you and it will always guide you. When I came back from the retreat in Cancun, I had no idea I would be going to an AFU retreat in Washington. The moment I heard of it in January, I simply knew, it was obvious to me that I would be there. And let me tell you that the retreat was out of this world. It was fast paced, very intense, I loved every minute and I could have gladly stayed for another week. The love that I experienced there often left me breathless. There was no point of wearing mascara as tears of joy kept pouring down my cheeks practically during every meditation and every coherence healing. The retreat and especially the last coherence healing were extremely powerful. There was a shift. I definitely became a better version of myself. At the end of the retreat when we were saying goodbye, one of my wonderful friends said something that we all felt - we were leaving home.

It is easy to be love when you are at a retreat, when you are surrounded by like-minded people who are keen to do the work and raise their vibration. The challenge is to keep it up and further expand when you come back to your familiar surroundings, to people who might not understand, to the world mostly driven by ego. It is impossible to completely disengage from this 3D reality, besides that is not the point. We came here for the contrast and all the challenges help us grow. The work is about knowing yourself, knowing who you want to be and becoming that person regardless of outside circumstances. It is about loving yourself completely knowing that mistakes are a part of the process, that it is not about being perfect all the time, but about enjoying the journey. This is something I need to keep reminding myself about.

Far too often we forget to enjoy our lives and make it a chore, make it much more difficult than it ever has to be. Our journey here can be as easy or as hard and it is always up to us which voice we choose to follow - ego or the Truth. 

I came to this life with deep knowing that unconditional love existed. It might not have been obvious to me when I was little, however, the older I got, the more intense the feelings became. There was a point in my life when I knew I had to find it and nothing and nobody could ever stop me. It was tricky for me with my Catholic upbringing to even think of God as one with me and so for years I looked for the Truth outside of me, desperate to find it and not always putting my trust in people that only had my best interests at heart. However, there is nothing that I regret, I am so grateful for everything that I have experienced and everybody that I have met as it all enabled me to grow and become the person I am now. I still have a long way to go, evolution never stops and to be honest with you I simply can’t wait to experience greater levels of love, to remember more of who we really are and what we are capable of and to become better versions of myself. I do realise that many people would label me as weird and I am extremely proud of it. I absolutely love being different and I can’t wait to experience all the wonderful things that are possible and to enjoy every minute of it.

If you feel there is more to you than you have been told and taught, if there is something that you want to change in your life, do not wait. Listen to your heart, the Truth is there, it will guide you.

You are a very powerful creator. In truth there are no limits to what you can do. Only those exist for you that you set yourself and believe in 💜


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Lewiyse Santos
2 months ago

Wow kasia, I can feel these words coming from your heart space. I can feel you passion. Your post found me in devine timing. I can't thank you enough for continuing to live and express yourself so authenticly. I am begining to shed old armour, I'm realising that although it may have served me at one point in life by keeping people with less than pure intentions away. It has also kept love away, connection, expansion and growth. I've always been so afraid that if I show people the true me, that I will be labelled as too much. Ive spent my life second guessing everything i say during conversations. Thank you for helping me see that I do not have to dim my light in order to make others feel more comfortable. You are an amazing being ❤️