In my book I take you on a very honest journey to the discovery of who we really are showing you the many mistakes made and lessons learnt and how the knowledge has not only positively impacted and changed me but also the way I view others and the world.

My aim is for a reader not to follow my ideas blindly, but rather to start thinking for themselves, to set aside some time to get to know themselves better, to believe in themselves more and to go inside and discover the extraordinary power and unconditional love that is in each and every one of us and that is us.

The journey starts with talking about my childhood and the positive and negative influences that my parents and grandparents had on it. I tell the story of how their difficult lives and the choices they made rippled through time to affect me and how I tried very hard to make sure only the positive influence they gave would continue onto my children. I write about how both Catholic religion, that was compulsory and ever present in my childhood, and mysticism, mainly through my mum’s abilities that weren’t really talked about or known to anybody, influenced me in different ways as a person. I am open about my own anxiety and anger, how I spent most of my life trying to find ways to deal with them and how remembering the truth about who we really are and understanding that I am in control of my life have helped me the most. I talk with a lot of sincerity about my experiences with fertility problems, a miscarriage and a long IVF journey, topics that are rarely discussed, but which affect more people than we realise.

My traumatic experience of a miscarriage that made me vulnerable and at the same time desperate to be pregnant again, led me to a Korean healing centre, a place where I learnt to meditate and give treatments, but which sadly proved to bring my family more harm than good. I recount in great detail and with all the honesty the story deserves what I have experienced, how I slowly became more and more dependent on the organisation that promised to help me get pregnant again, to heal my family’s karma, which was to subsequently bring more love, health and happiness to my family members, but how in effect it did the opposite.

In the book I discuss the various pitfalls of wishing, wanting, planning and expecting, how we sometimes want something so badly that it takes over our lives and how we lose ourselves in wishing for something to happen, forget to live and appreciate what we already have. I write about the importance of the present moment and how instead of living in the now we tend to focus on the past, often getting stuck there, feeling guilty for something that happened or something that we didn’t do, blaming, judging, getting angry and fearful and/or concentrating on the future, worrying about some possible scenario or outcome that very rarely becomes a reality. I raise the subject of following other people’s views and beliefs, often for generations, without checking with ourselves whether they suit us and without realising how limiting and hurtful both to us and others they can be.

Choice is a very important part of my book. We create our lives all the time with our thoughts, feelings, words, actions and choices that we make, yet we don’t always take a responsibility for the way our lives are preferring to blame somebody else, external forces or circumstances, often being scared to look at ourselves honestly, at who we really are and what we want. Throughout the book I talk about what I remembered and understood about our Truth, our brilliance and I mention some wonderful authors that helped me on my journey to the discovery of who we really are. Not only are we creators of our lives, but we are more amazing and powerful than we can imagine.

In the book I give some tips on meditation, I explain what it is and why it is so crucial. I talk about the importance of gratitude and how practicing being grateful can transform our lives. Trust plays a big part in my book. I show you how trust came to me gradually, how I had to work on trusting the power in me and what I had to do in order to stop pushing and finally let go. I dedicate a chapter each to relationships and health. Both chapters are based mainly on my own experiences and in terms of relationships, on what I learnt from my childhood, failed marriage, from interactions with others and from many years of going within. In the chapter dedicated to health I talk among other things about my own health problems, my mum’s battle with cancer, my husband’s illness and how my wonderful friend healed herself from cancer.

The last chapter focuses on something that most, if not all of us are trying to find – happiness and love that is an intrinsic part of everybody and everything. I bring you a summary of all the lessons I learnt in my life that lead to happiness, I give examples of what needs to be done if change is what you are after and show you again that your life and your happiness really depend on you.

The book is not intended as an attack on anyone, I don’t blame anybody for anything in my life, but rather relate the events in order to show mistakes made and the lessons learnt. What I experienced is not as important as what I learnt from it. I am grateful for everything in my life as it has all brought me to where I am now.

I will let you know once the book has been published 💜