Relationship with your inner being

Published on 7 October 2024 at 13:33

Far too often we behave in a way other people want us to behave or in a way we think they would like us to behave. We try to please others, be who they want us to be in an effort to be accepted and liked. We want other people to think highly of us, we do not want to disappoint anybody and we do not want to be different. We want to belong.

Being a part of a group, of a community, not wanting to be alone is a normal human behaviour. Problems start when we begin to pretend, when we are not true to ourselves, to who we really are, when we are prepared to trade our own happiness for somebody else’s.

A lot of us would love to make other people happy, but first we need to look at ourselves and tend to the way we feel. It is not our job to change other people, to fix them or please them. We can only change ourselves. When we love ourselves and live our lives from love, we can then help others, we can be an example and lead them through our happiness instead of sympathy, worry or pain.

I write lot a about happiness and love as I believe that love is the most important thing there is. Everything is love and happiness is a product of our own love for ourselves, it comes from being true to who we really are. And who we really are is love. The larger part of us - our Truth, inner being, God, Source is pure, unconditional love. It would never judge us, it would never blame us, it can only love. Always, without any exceptions. When we start to judge ourselves or other people, when we worry, when we hate, we kind of separate ourselves from our inner being. We can never really be apart, because God, unconditional love is and will always be a part of us.

We put so much effort and energy into so many relationships, often forgetting the one that is the most important, that is the basis for everything, basis for our happiness – the relationship with our Truth, with the love inside, with our inner being. It is the one that knows us the best, that loves us unconditionally, that will always guide us in the best possible way for us if only we let it, if we do not interfere, do not try to control the outcomes, if we simply let go and trust. We obviously need to know what it is that we want, we need to draw it back to us with our hearts, we need to know that what we want is a done deal, but it is not our job to figure out how or when it is going to happen.

When we judge, blame or hate, ourselves or others, our Truth will never join us there as it is pure, unconditional love. That’s why these negative emotions feel so awful. Working on loving ourselves, truly, without any judgment, without any conditions puts us closer and closer to who we really are, it makes our connection with our inner being stronger. The stronger the connection, the easier our lives are and the happier, more free and more whole we are going to feel. Our every thought and every feeling has a frequency. Thoughts influence our feelings and feelings influence our thoughts. The more loving our thoughts and feelings are, the higher our frequency is going to be. The higher the frequency, the closer we are going to be to our inner being and the more joy we are going to feel. The bigger the difference in frequency, our frequency and that of our inner being, the worse we are going to feel.

Always love yourself in every situation, no matter what happens, just like your inner being does.

Do not measure yourself against anybody else, only your inner being, only love. If you want to be truly happy, you need to stop worrying about what other people would think, what they believe, what they say, what you think they think of you or would have you do. What you think, how you feel, what you do making sure it comes from love, is the most important thing, is your most vital job. You focus on you, you change you.

Everything that you need is in you.

You are love and you are always loved. If happiness is what you are after, then every day tend to your thoughts and feelings making sure they come from love, work on loving and appreciating yourself, close the gap between the way you think of yourself and the way your inner being thinks of you and watch how your life will transform in more profound ways than you imagine 💜


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