My name is Kasia Bretherton. I was born in 1977 in southern Poland, a beautiful country that was deeply Catholic and under Russian rule. Many times the only thing you could buy in a shop was vinegar, food was rationed, clothes were second hand and queues were a normal part of every-day life. I definitely can’t say that my childhood was an unhappy one as I look back at it with many fond memories, however one of the most important things was missing in our lives: freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom to travel, freedom to live in peace without constant scrutiny either from the state or church…

As a child my parents never forced me to go to church. I went because everybody did and because religion was a part of our education. There was a time when I went more often than I had to, but the older I got, the more I felt that something was missing. I simply couldn’t understand why God created me the way I was and then punished me for being me. There was that deep seated feeling inside me that unconditional love existed, I just didn’t know where to find it.

I was told that as a baby I was happy and smiling, always ready for a cuddle. There was a lot of love shown to me in my life, especially from my beautiful mum Bernadeta, however, there was also a darker side to my family that run through many generations – anxiety, anger, blame, guilt, jealousy and resentment that often resulted in mistreatment of family members, mainly children. At some point I realized that I couldn’t really be myself and show or talk about the emotions that I really felt and instead I had to learn how to not say what I really wanted, but only what was expected of me in order not to be punished. Not being able to be myself obviously created a lot of anxiety and, later on, also terrible outbursts of anger.

I could clearly see many patterns of behaviour in my family that were inhibiting, and I desperately wanted to get rid of my own anxiety and, especially, anger. For the sake of my future family, I wanted to do everything in my power to stop the aggression and victimisation that was ever present in my family for so many decades.

For years I was on a quest to find unconditional love and that search was only furthermore fuelled by the need to stop the anxiety and anger. I was relentless, I couldn’t stop. I would read books, do programs, attend events, even go to psychologists and although some of it was really helpful, the anxiety and anger were still there and the unconditional love seemed out of reach.

The problem was that I was looking for it outside of me, not within me.

At certain point I joined a Korean healing centre where I learnt how to meditate. I did lots of classes and ceremonies, however, in time I realised that a lot of teachings were contradictory and not in line with the unconditional love I so desperately was trying to find. Still, I didn’t give up.

There were a few people whose books and/or events stirred something in me and helped me get closer to the Truth. In his books Dr Wayne Dyer talked about us being God, however, with my Catholic upbringing, although deep down inside I knew it was true, I felt a lot of guilt even for reading it, not to mention thinking I was God. However, the seed was sown. Anita Moorjani brought a lot of love in my life and a deeper understanding of my mum, whose life and actions in many ways resembled Anita’s. I was in awe when reading Nick Vujicic’s book ‘Life Without Limits’ and watching him online speak to people, often teenagers; there was so much love, patience and understanding in him that he had towards others. His strength, love, optimism and conviction were infectious. Neale Donald Walsch’s books validated a lot of my own feelings and convictions. And finally, Lisa Natoli and her 40-Day online program helped me slowly put pieces of the puzzle together. I still wasn’t where I wanted to be, but I got a much better understanding of myself and I finally started hearing my true voice, the voice of love.

However, the person who has been my guiding light for many years and whom I love dearly is Dr Joe Dispenza. His books, programs and retreats built a strong foundation and helped me to gradually remember more and more about who I really was and what the world was really like. He has always been there in my life when I needed him the most. When I finally remembered the Truth, the relentless need to find answers to burning questions stopped. I no longer needed to read more books, I felt at peace.

Since then, Dr Joe has practically been the only person I keep going back to. His Truth resonates with me on a very deep level.

Thanks to my wonderful husband Dale, his hard work, love and dedication, I was not only able to spend every day with our lovely son Maksy, care for my mum when she was diagnosed with cancer, but also dedicate a lot of time on the search for unconditional love and ways to get rid of anxiety and anger. For many years, I also tried to find out what it was that I wanted to do in life, sadly without success. I would do one degree after another, however I still couldn’t find that one thing that would interest me, that would feel like home. And only when I remembered the Truth, I understood that was the main reason why I decided to come here.

What I remembered is not only for me and I would love to share with you the many lessons I learnt from mistakes I made and what I remembered about who we really are. I am grateful for everything and everybody in my life, the so called good and bad things as it has all assisted me on my journey in this life here, it has helped me evolve and has brought me to where I am now.

If anything that I am writing about on this website could be of help even to one person, then that would be absolutely fantastic.

Thank you so much for reading this. You are more amazing than you imagine 💜