Bruce Lipton's event in Manchester

Published on 24 June 2024 at 12:34

We have been really lucky to have some amazing speakers in Manchester just this month like Bruce Lipton and Deepak Chopra and in November we are going to be visited by the amazing Anita Moorjani.

It was my first live event with Bruce Lipton and the setting couldn’t be more beautiful and majestic – the Monastery in Manchester. The talk was truly wonderful. Bruce speaks with such enthusiasm and conviction making difficult facts easily understandable.

It wasn’t the talk itself that was the most memorable for me. It was Bruce himself. His glow, love for life and genuine love and interest for each and every person that was at that event was so apparent and so absolutely mesmerising that it was difficult to take eyes off him. He had time before the event to talk to people and have pictures taken with him and after the event he patiently signed people’s books, always smiling and always ready for a chat. There was no showing off, no attitude of superiority, but rather authenticity, love, real interest and the feelings of joy and peace.

When my turn came to have a photo taken with him I was given one of the best hugs in my life. It immediately felt like I met a kindred spirit, I just couldn’t stop smiling. The connection was instant and palpable and I am sure many people at the event felt something similar.

I don’t know about you, but for me this is the kind of a person I truly admire. Authenticity, that internal glow, kindness, care, confidence, patience, peace, passion and most importantly joy and love - for himself, for his life and for others. These are the qualities I truly want to enhance in myself. We all have them, we just need to focus on them more, rather than on negative aspects of ourselves and our lives. We get more of what we focus on, so it is really important to concentrate on what we really want and who we truly want to be.

All of us are energy and our thoughts and feelings emit energetic frequencies. What we think, feel, say and do has an impact on everybody around us. In every minute of every day we have a choice and we can either add more hate, anger and fear the world or add more love, light and joy. It might not be possible to catch every thought as we think all the time whether we realise it or not and it is the feelings that are the best to observe as they can quickly give us an indication of whether we are in the right place. If we are not where we would like to be, we can then look at our thoughts and choose better feeling ones.  

It is your intention that really matters, it is making a decision to do something, to change and sticking at it no matter what. It is choosing you, choosing to be love and to feel love for yourself, your life and eventually for everyone else. It is finding happiness within and making it your priority, being so in love and joy that no person or outside circumstance could take you away from those feelings. It is a recognition of who you really are and why you are here, being kind, understanding and loving towards yourself, feeling grateful, living your life to the fullest, enjoying the journey and all the wonderful challenges that help you grow and evolve. It is knowing that you already are love, that you can be, do and have whatever you want and deciding to live your life from love and joy.

You can be whoever you want to be so why not decide to be the best version of yourself and fully love yourself and truly enjoy your life? You can do it. You know you can 💜


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Lewiyse Santos
4 months ago

Such a beautiful and important message/reminder. Where attention goes, energy flows. I love the picture, your combined light shines through. ✨️