Open you heart and never close it

Published on 7 August 2024 at 15:55

When we experience problems, when somebody lets us down, when our hearts are broken, we feel hurt. How we respond, what we do afterwards varies greatly and has an impact on our future lives and on our happiness. Some people vouch never to experience anything so painful again, they build protective barriers around them, withdraw from social life and prefer to be alone. There are others who go straight into new relationships without learning any lessons from a previous one, only to find similar patterns and challenges repeating themselves. Some take time to look carefully at what happened, they look at the mistakes made, learn lessons and decide to change, to think, feel and act differently in the future. Their hearts are open, they love themselves and they trust in love.

These are obviously not the only ways in which we can respond to problems, to being betrayed, getting hurt and the way we act depends on many factors and can vary depending on a situation, on severity of a problem, on our mood, on a type of a relationship, people who are involved and many more.

I have met some really wonderful people in my life and there have been a few who decided to close their hearts in fear of being hurt again. Is that a problem? Nothing really is. Everybody is entitled to live their lives the way they want and make their own choices. The most important question that we can ask ourselves is whether the way we think, feel, act and what we decide to do next is loving to ourselves. Is closing our heart and deciding never to love, never to trust again, loving to ourselves? How much can we lose by not allowing ourselves to be free, to be happy, to love, to laugh, to cry, to experience ups and downs, to enjoy everything that life has to offer? I am not talking here only about romantic relationships. There are so many other types of relationships that people close themselves to. Aren’t we only hurting ourselves and not letting ourselves truly live by withdrawing from our lives? What’s the point of being alive if we live in fear, if we do not enjoy our lives, if we are unhappy, if we close ourselves to all the wonderful opportunities that are available to us the moment we decide to open our minds and hearts to them?

Please have a look at your life. Are you happy with it? Is there anything that you would like to change? You have created it. It is not an accusation, simply an observation. You are a powerful creator and it is never too late to change anything about yourself or your life.

I believe that love is everything. For me, there is nothing more important than love.

Love is everywhere.

Everything is made out of love.

We are love.

When we close our hearts, we kind of separate ourselves from who we really are, which feels utterly awful. We can never really disconnect from the love that we are, we can only feel detached.

Whether you keep your heart closed or open is really up to you. If you closed your heart for any reason and would like to open it again, please be gentle and understanding with yourself. You do not have to open it completely straight away. Take your time. The most important thing is perseverance, it is your decision to start feeling love again, your intention to be free again, to feel happy, to trust, to enjoy your life and to be the love that you already are. It is our right to love ourselves, to love our lives, to love others and to feel good. We came here to enjoy ourselves and not to feel fear, not to blame, accuse, feel guilty, not to hate and not to close our hearts.

You do not have to go anywhere to feel the love that is your Truth. It is in you and it is always available to you. You are loved beyond measure. Be still, take time for yourself and feel the love that is you and is there for you. It doesn’t matter whether it will take you a day, a week, a month or a year. The feeling of love that you will eventually feel is worth it. You are worth it. Be patient with yourself and carry on with love for yourself and enthusiasm. Once you feel the love that is our Truth, everything in your life will change. You will actively want to open your heart as you will want to feel and experience greater and greater levels of love. Feeling that connection with who we truly are, with unconditional love that we are all parts of, feels utterly amazing. There are no words that could really describe the sensations that you feel when you are one with Source. You simply have to experience it for yourself. That can never be achieved with a closed heart.

During a recent Dr Joe Dispenza’s AFU retreat in Washington, towards the end of the second walking meditation, my lovely mum came to me and told me: “Open your heart and never close it”. Tears rolled down my cheeks. What she said felt really profound. My mum was love when she was alive and now from a greater level of consciousness, being pure love, she was reminding me of what is truly important. Her words will stay with me forever.

There is no greater power than love and it is through our hearts that we connect to our Truth, to love, to God, to Source.

Love is within you. Love is you. Open your heart and connect to it.

I love you with all my heart 💜


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