Feeling worthy

Published on 27 August 2024 at 16:54

Time and time again I find the feeling of unworthiness one of the greatest (if not the greatest) obstacles that we set ourselves preventing us from living our lives to the full, being happy, feeling free, basically being who we truly long to be. I do not just base it on hearing other people’s stories, but also on my own personal struggles with feeling worthy.

It is one of the most common limiting beliefs that we acquire, most probably, but not exclusively, in our childhoods by hearing repeatedly and believing that we are not worthy (please go to my blog post on limiting beliefs for more information).

When we look at who we truly are - extensions of Source, of pure, unconditional love, when we go inside, connect to our Truth, feel and remember how unlimited, extraordinary and powerful we all are, it then seems unbelievable that we could even think that we are not worthy, that we do not deserve to be, have or do what we truly desire. And yet, far too often we give our own power away. We conform to other people’s wishes, wants, needs and opinions of ourselves, of who we should be, what we should think and how we should feel. All too frequently we play small, we give up on our dreams out of fear, insecurity and low self-worth. Every day we give in to fear, fear of death, fear of being ridiculed, fear of failure... and are too scared to live and to be who we came here to be – powerful and fearless creators of our own reality.  

Even when we remember the Truth, we still all too easily feel undeserving and unworthy. Where do we get all that nonsense from? Obviously as I already mentioned, it comes mainly from our childhood, from what we were repeatedly told, how we were treated, from elders, teachers, religion, customs, government, news, social media and many more. If you are confident, if you feel worthy, if you love yourself, then you can’t be manipulated. Please do not think that the way you have been treated and everything you have been told comes from somebody’s desire to have power over you. Often what people say, including your parents, how they think, what they feel and what they do comes from fear, from their own insecurities and their own limiting beliefs.

All of it can stop with you. You can make a decision, a very strong decision, made with all your heart, to change, to become a different person, feeling worthy, free and happy. Only you can make a decision to change and only you can ensure that your dream of being free from all the restraints, of feeling worthy and happy is the most important thing there is. You might say that you do not have what other people have to succeed, that they had help, they had money, they were lucky. You might believe that they could do it, but are less sure whether you are capable of changing. You might even think  that they deserved the transformation, but you don’t. All of it is simply untrue and stems from your own limiting beliefs, you feeling undeserving, powerless and unworthy. Please remember that beliefs are just thoughts that you keep repeating.

What differentiates you from people who succeeded? It is not that they are younger, older, more experienced, rich, clever... It is the fact that they never gave up. They believed so deeply in their dream, in themselves, they loved themselves so much that they never gave in. They always persevered despite doubts, fearful thoughts trying to creep in, other people’s disapproval, external circumstances and many more. They had worse and better days, but they always carried on, no matter what.

Can you do it? Can you feel worthy? Of course you can. You are already worthy, you just need to believe in it, you need to feel it, you need to know it and you need to become it.

Please think about who you really are, not just for a minute, but take some time and really sit with it. Do you really, truly believe that all there is to you is your body? That you are this weak and fragile being that came here without purpose, has no free will, that your life, your happiness, your feeling of worth, what happens to you and in your life is solely dependent on other people and external forces and that you have nothing to say about it all? Do you really, truly feel that you are unworthy? Is that even your own belief? Do you want to continue thinking that way?

A habit of thinking, feeling and behaving in a certain way, feeling unworthy for example, thinking unworthy thoughts and behaving consequently is not a permanent thing, is not a life sentence. Just like any habit, it can be changed. You just need to want to change and you need to make a decision to stick at it no matter what. Know which thoughts, feelings and behaviours no longer serve you and which you want to demonstrate instead and simply observe and change them. Catch yourself every day when you think, feel or behave in an undesirable way, without any judgment, without any unneeded guilt or commentary, but with love, care, patience and understanding towards yourself. Take note of what happened, what you would do differently next time if a similar situation occurred and change your thoughts, feelings and behaviours to new ones, to a new way of thinking, feeling and behaving based on love, freedom, happiness and self-worth.

Does it sound like too much hassle and too much work? If your answer is yes, then what is your priority? What is important to you? Do you like to feel unworthy and undeserving?

Does it feel like the whole process of observation, catching your thoughts, feelings and behaviours and changing them is too boring? Isn’t feeling unworthy, undeserving, not living up to your potential and playing small boring?

Don’t you want to change and freely create your own reality?

Taking back control of your life can initially sound scary, but realising that you are a very powerful creator, that your life, the way you think, feel and behave depends entirely on you is extremely freeing.

You are worthy, whether you believe in it or not. The Truth, Source can only give us what we feel worthy of receiving. This in itself is worth carefully thinking about.

How would your life change if you decided to alter the belief of feeling unworthy and undeserving?

What could it cost you if you were to never change?

Do you want to carry on as you are or do you want to transform your life?

Only you can answer these questions and only you can change your life. Yes, you are that powerful. You are a truly amazing, unlimited and powerful being and only you really know whether it is time for you to let go of beliefs that do not serve you and start consciously and purposefully creating your realityđź’ś


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