During the process of writing my book, I would often receive messages, mainly at night or during a meditation and I would try to write them down on my phone. When I finished writing my book (or at least its first draft) I started copying all the messages to my computer and was amazed that I had no recollection of ever writing some of them down.

I would like to share one with you that I believe is special. Although not every word is directed to me, every time I read it I find some of it extremely helpful and insightful and I really hope that it might be beneficial to you as well.

The message didn’t come from me – Kasia Bretherton, but from the Truth inside, therefore words like ‘I’ and ‘Me’ do not mean me as my human self.

Every time when you are awake, be the light, shine the light on the world, on others. It doesn’t matter how many times you forget, what matters is how many times you try again to remember. I am with you all the time and will help you. In time it is going to be easier.

You need to change the way you think. There is nothing to fear. Everything is in your mind, made up by you. You need to make a decision - whether you want to live in pain, darkness, blame, self-pity, anger and anxiety or light that is your natural state. Why do you fear it? Out of boredom? Do you think it is going to be boring, nothing is going to happen if you trust and let go? Or is it out of fear of something you think you do not know? The light, the love are not familiar, but the anxiety and other feelings are.

The problem is that you do not trust enough. All the other feelings are so earthly, humanly, you know them, they are practically acceptable. But love, this is something different, something to fear, something odd. And you don’t want to be odd. You want to belong. It hurts to change, so why change? Why bother? Better be in pain. It is easier, it is familiar. The only problem is, that the intensity of pain will change, it will increase. Your body can only take certain amount of it before it starts breaking. Your Truth will let you know in many ways to change, your body will ‘scream’, but you often don’t listen and numb it with medication, antidepressants, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, addictions and so on, anything in order not to listen, not to listen to the voice of Truth, because it hurts, because it means working on yourself, thinking and it will bring bad memories. But you do not need to analyse your life, go back to the past. It is actually about letting go of the past and realising who you are in Truth, who everybody is and starting to trust. It is about letting go of your old ways, of the old way of thinking.

It is all in your head and it is all up to you. You have created it and it is up to you what you create next. And it is completely up to you whether you believe you created it or not, whether you believe you are all-powerful or not. You can be as small, as weak, as vulnerable as you want, or you can be as powerful as you want. That is the beauty - it is your choice! Completely yours. Always. In every second, with every thought, every feeling, everything you say, everything you do - you choose. Do not be mistaken into thinking that you just follow other people’s orders, that it is a consequence of something else, somebody else’s decisions, something greater than you, it just happens and you have nothing to do with it. You can think that way, which is always up to you, or you can break the vicious circle and start creating your life knowing full well what you do and create miracles for yourself and others.

Wouldn’t it be better to do it consciously? Wouldn’t it be better to actually bring the light into the world instead of adding misery? The world really needs the light, others need your light, that’s why you are reading this, that’s why you are here. It is not a coincidence. Nothing really is. But once again, let me underline it - it is up to you, totally and completely. Always! You are not a little being that is involved in life and has nothing to say. Things do not just happen to you. Your life is a consequence of your thoughts, your feelings, everything you say and do. Everything has a consequence. Everything is energy. So why not come from a position of light, of love? Will you be ridiculed? Maybe, sometimes, and? Is that a reason to stay in darkness? Are the people who are going to ridicule you coming from light or darkness?

You need to decide who you are and who you want to be for yourself and the world. The world doesn’t need more darkness. But there is no pressure, because there is really nothing that you need to do. It is your choice and I will repeat it many times, as many times as it is needed. And I will send as many people for you to remember who you are as it is needed. And remember that you can stay in pain but you do not really want to anymore, do you? And you want others to see the light. That’s why you are writing this.

I love you. I am always with you. Man up and make a decision. One way or the other, not the middle. Be the light and the love that you are. Be yourself and let the light shine on the world. It is good to be good, to be love, to be patient, to be loving, to be understanding, to see the light and love in others, to remind them who they really are, to bring them peace. That’s what you really want and do not be scared of it, do not think it is less, that it means not doing enough and that you will be accused of doing nothing. You know the Truth and that is enough, more than enough. You are everything and everything is in you, the whole world. And it is up to you what happens next. You can help the world in more ways than you think, more significantly than you imagine. Light is stronger than any darkness, it dissolves darkness. Nothing opposite can survive where light and love is. So bring it on. Do not wait.

Is it going to be hard at first? Probably yes. You will need to change the way you think and feel, what you say and what you do. Your body got used to certain ways for so many years so be patient with it. Do not blame yourself for mistakes but be gentle with yourself and be happy with every success. Treat every defeat or mistake with complete love, just as if you were treating a child that was learning something for the first time. Find that love in you for yourself that you would have for an innocent baby, for an innocent puppy or kitten. Find it always in you, for everybody, because when they lash out, when they make mistakes, they are in darkness and don’t know what they are doing. Be the one who knows, one who shows them the light. Be the light and start today, start right now. No procrastination, no more waiting.

Waiting for what? Something greater, something different, a better moment? There will be lots of excuses why you should start later. Are you going to listen to your ego or do you want to be invincible? Do you finally want to be who you really are, in line with the Truth, to feel the love and light in every cell of your body and to actually feel wonderful, to feel peace and for it all to finally make sense?

It is up to you. All you need to do is let go and trust. Your decision! Love you. I will guide you. 💜