Feeling good

Published on 13 May 2024 at 13:13

If I told you that you hold a secret to happiness in your heart, that you are a powerful being and it is you who decides what your life is like, I am sure that quite a few people would get annoyed and would tell me to get lost.

And yet, I found all of the above to be true. It is totally up to you whether you want to check if there is any truth to it or you want to dismiss it and carry on with your life as it is.

How many of us actively tend to the way we feel? How many make it our priority to feel good?

Why should I make it my priority you might ask? There are so many more important matters that I need to concentrate on. I would definitely ask you what they were. What is more important than feeling good? Is it loved ones, money, career, social media, the way that you look, what others think of you...? I am positive that the list could go on and on.

To be totally honest with you, none of them are more important than caring about the way you feel making sure that you are happy. Sounds selfish? It is far from it. When you make it your priority in the morning to watch your thoughts and feelings throughout the whole day and hold on only to the ones that make you feel happy, in love with yourself and with life, you are going to contribute far more to others, to your loved ones and to the whole planet then you can imagine. When you feel good, your heart is open and you shine your light on others. You see the world through the lens of love and as a result you are kinder, calmer, more caring and loving. You do things for others not out of obligation, but from love, simply because it feels natural, because it feels good. You no longer need to strive, work hard and do everything in your power to make sure that everyone else is happy, that they love you and appreciate you, because you understand that true love and happiness come from inside and that you do not need others to love you in order to feel good about yourself. When you love and appreciate yourself, you let everyone be who they want to be. Their love for you is then a reflection and extension of your own love for yourself.

When you realise that you make yourself feel good by choosing the right thoughts to hold on to, you know that you do not need anybody or anything else to make you happy. That understanding is extremely freeing. It changes so much in you and around you.

It all comes down to love. Love is who we really are. When we think, feel and act from love, we feel good. When we don’t, we feel bad. When we make happiness our priority, everything in our lives lines up. We witness more and more serendipities and opportunities, we attract people, things and situations to us that correspond to the way we feel. The more love we give, the more we receive back. When we vibrate at a higher frequency, our bodies are a reflection of the love we feel. When we are love, when we are happy, we are healthy.

It is of course impossible to feel and be love all the time. That is not the goal. This is a world of duality and we are here to experience it all. We constantly grow and expand, we do not want to stand still. There will always be new things that we will desire, new experiences that we will want to create and with them come challenges. However, it is up to us whether we see them as problems or opportunities. Every day, every minute of our lives we can choose to be in the place of love or fear, we can decide to be creators of our lives or victims.

We are here to have fun, we came here for the thrill of it, yet most of the time we spend worrying and complaining. When we understand that the key to happiness is being in sync with who we really are, with love, loving ourselves and our lives, caring for the way we feel, making sure we choose to hold on to thoughts that make us happy, our experience here will change completely.

What is your priority?

Please think about it for a minute. Do not just read the words, but really take them in. What would feeling good change in your life? If you made it your priority and really looked at your thoughts, feelings, words and actions making sure they came from the place of love and decided that no matter what happened, no matter what other people said to you, you would do your very best to go back to feeling good, do you think that everything would start to change for the better? You know that it would. So what are you waiting for?

What will you choose to focus on every day? The choice is always yours and please remember that every day is a new beginning. We all make mistakes, they are a normal part of life, that’s how we learn and evolve. What matters is what you do afterwards.

Make happiness your priority. Choose love, choose to feel good and see how your life will transform, how much beauty, love and joy will enter your life 💜


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