You Are an Amazing Being

Published on 28 May 2023 at 16:35

Everyone and everything is love. In Truth, there is only love, there is only oneness.

We are more amazing than we can imagine. Our essence is pure love and a love that doesn’t judge, doesn’t punish, doesn’t hate and doesn’t segregate.

All of us are parts of Source, of God, of Love that is unconditional that doesn’t change, that is unlimited and perfect. Our essence is not separate from that love, we are the love. It is extremely important to understand that no part is better or worse, we are all equal, we are all one. Our bodies, our skin are only costumes that we decided to wear in this life. In Truth all of us are exactly the same. Here on Earth we seem to think that we are separate beings, but in reality we are one, which is significant to understand, because all our choices have an impact not only on our lives, but also the lives of our loved ones and everyone else.

We literally are amazing beings, it is not an overstatement. We have created it all and we keep creating our lives every day with our thoughts, feelings, words and actions. Things do not just happen to us, we are not marionettes, we are not victims and there isn’t an evil force that influences our decisions. We are creators of our lives. We can of course decide not to believe in it, put a blame on something or somebody else for the way our lives are, give our own power away and play a role of a victim.

When I am connected to the Truth I understand why I am here. I look at the world with different eyes and see more love and wonder than ever before. I understand why I wanted to be born here and why I wanted to experience it all, the sadness, the laughter, the tears and the joy. Through the body and senses I can experience so much and yet very often we take our ability to see, touch, smell, taste and hear for granted. Our planet is breathtakingly beautiful, there are so many extraordinary places we can visit and so many incredible things that we can do.

When I am in a place of love, I see everyone and everything as love, as one with me. It is easy for me to be grateful, to love my life and to be happy. When I forget who I really am and associate with ego, everything changes, my perception, the way I look at the world, my thoughts, feelings and actions shift drastically. I see everybody as separate from me, I am moody, discontent, I look for somebody or something to blame, I get angry and anxious, I complain and criticize.

My life really depends on the way I look at the world which in turn is determined by whether I choose to follow love or whether I follow ego.

I looked for the Truth in many places, mainly outside of me where I found a lot conflicting information, it took me many years to finally remember who we all were and so I completely understand if you are cautious or sceptical and if what I am writing about doesn’t make much sense to you. If you want to find out for yourself who you really are, what your essence is, if I could suggest anything, it would be to go within as all answers are in you.

When you connect to who you really are - pure love, always loving and always loved, everything makes sense again. You know that even when you forget who you really are, your connection to the Truth, to Source can never be broken and nothing, no experience can ever change who you really are.

What you believe in, what choices you make and what kind of a person you decide to be in this life is entirely in your hands.

You are the creator of your life, a truly amazing and wonderful being. So what do you want to create? 💜


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