
Published on 15 April 2024 at 18:08

Why is this world so dark and cruel? Why is my life so difficult? Why do these awful things keep happening to me? Why are there people who are mean and want to cause pain and suffering? Why can’t this world just be perfect? These are just some of the questions people ask all the time.

What you think of the world, of your life and of others depends on your thoughts, state of mind, experience, current situation... and your view constantly changes. If you are happy, you will see everything in a different colour then when you are pessimistic or stressed.

Can we change the way we think and feel? Yes, we can. Always.

If you believe that you don’t have a choice on what you think and how you feel, please know that you are free to think that way. It is your decision.

The truth is that nobody can make you think or feel certain way. You can only decide to believe that something or somebody else has got a power over you and you can choose to play a victim.

All of us have free will, we are not robots or marionettes, we decide what our lives are like by choosing what we think about, how we feel, what we do and believe in.

What would be the point of coming here to this world, to all this amazing contrast and not being able to make decisions? Not being in charge? This contrast is what is really so exciting, it is why we came here.

Let me ask you a question. Would you really, truly like everything and everybody to be perfect all the time? Please think about it. No problems, no mistakes, no challenges, no opportunities for growth. Would you really like everybody to be the same? How long would perfection be ok for you until you got bored, until you started to wonder whether there was something else, something different, something that you could compare this perfection to? That’s exactly why we are, why this world with its magnificent contrast was created. To help us experience it all, the so called good and bad, to enable us to make comparisons, make mistakes and learn from them, to grow, to expand and to enjoy it all knowing that no matter what happens, no matter what we experience, what we think, feel or do, we will never be judged, we will never stop being extensions of Source, that we will always be pure, perfect, unconditional love and we will always be completely loved and guided.

Contrast makes this experience here really interesting. It helps us decide what we don’t want and what we do want. It is up to us then to make sure to focus on what we desire, instead of on lack and on things we do not like.

If you want to be happier, if you want your life to change, if you want this world to be a better place, then concentrate on yourself, on your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Observe them and change any that do not serve you to ones you want to demonstrate. Stop judging, blaming, feeling guilty, angry, hateful and resentful. Stop watching the news that mostly covers and exaggerates the negative aspects of life. Stop trying to control other people by telling them what to think and how to behave. Leave all that energy on inner work. Move from the place of fear to the place of love, from ego, to your Truth. Continuously tend to your alignment to Source. Focus on the positive, on joy, on peace, on love. There is so much beauty in this world, so much to discover. Focus on what you want to see more of and not on what you don’t want. Change yourself and the world will transform with you as your perception of it will change.

We are eternal beings. There will never be a day that we will completely master it, that we will get it done. That would be impossible and that is not the point of being here. We constantly grow and evolve, make mistakes and learn from them. The exploration never ends.

We are here for a long run, so do you want to leave things as they are or do you want something to change? If you want things to change, then stop focusing on the negative, stop finding fault in everything and everyone and relax, let go, start appreciating yourself more, find beauty in everything you see and everyone you meet, live in the now and begin to fully enjoy your life and the magnificent contrast that comes with the experience of being a human being 💜


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