Are we who we really want to be?

Published on 18 September 2023 at 16:00

Have you ever sat with yourself long enough, really connected to your true self and checked whether who you are as a person is in line with your Truth and whether what you do brings you happiness?

If you have and you have found answers, have you followed on them? Have you chased your dreams or were you too scared, felt not good or worthy enough or found another excuse to stay in the familiar?

If you have never asked yourself these questions, what stopped you?

I do not know what your life is like and I am not trying to imply that you are not happy, you should know the answer to that question yourself. But, are you? Do you know whether you are happy? Are you honest with yourself or do you simply try not to listen to the thoughts in your head and feel the emotions by putting them under a carpet? What is there inside? Is there happiness or loneliness, abundance or lack? Do you feel whole or empty?

If the answer is the latter, are you ready to do something about it? Putting your problems under a carpet, looking the other way and pretending that they do not exist, never really works. These thoughts and feelings always come out one way or the other. You can try to ‘cover’ them by putting walls and barriers around you and pretending to be somebody else. You can use alcohol, drugs, shopping sprees or plastic surgeries to forget or to make yourself feel better but that only works for a while and soon you need more and more of these things as the feelings of lack, emptiness and the gap between who you really are and who you pretend to be are getting bigger and bigger.

The problem will never go away until you look closely at yourself, remember who you truly are and start to bridge the gap between your true self and who you pretend to be.

You are a being of love. Love is who you really are and so the further you move from the love in this life, the bigger the gap feels, the more lack, fear and emptiness there is going to be. The more loving your thoughts, feelings and actions are, the more whole you will feel.

Practising gratitude is one of the fastest ways to change the way you feel. By being truly grateful, you can quickly align yourself with love, with your Truth. If you get into a habit of finding something to be grateful for in every situation, your life will transform.

You need to become conscious of your self-limiting beliefs and all those thoughts, feelings and behaviours that no longer serve you. At the same time you need to realise which thoughts, feelings and behaviours you want to have. That can only be done by taking the time to connect to your Truth and being completely honest with yourself. The best way to start is through a daily practice of meditation.

In short, you need to be willing, trusting, patient and persistent, you need to be present with yourself and honest in order to start hearing your true voice, in order to remember who you truly are and realise what it is that you really want. You need to be vigilant and observe your thoughts, feelings and behaviours, catch those that no longer serve you and change them before you default back to unwanted patterns of behaviour. That can’t be done just once, this work is non-stop and it requires your constant attention and commitment. The more you do it, the better you are going to be at it.

Is there something that you want to change? If yes, then what are you planning to do about it? What are you waiting for? To be older, more experienced, richer or intelligent? The list could really go on and on as there are millions of excuses that we constantly create. There will never be ‘the right’ time and there will always be some obstacle in your way, real or imagined that you are going to use as an excuse not to change if it is ego that you only listen to.

The secret to change is you. Nothing is going to change if you don’t change. You need to want to change, you need to make a decision and you need to persevere.

Can you change? Of course you can! You are an absolutely amazing being, far more powerful than you can imagine.

Will you change? That is completely up to you 💜


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