
Published on 28 May 2023 at 16:36

From what I have remembered and understood, love is the key. Love is building blocks of everything and everybody. I am referring here to the pure, unconditional love that not only is in each and every one of us, but is who we really are; it is our Truth.

For us human beings love is often conditional and most if not all of our relationships are based on that kind of love. However, the love that is our essence is pure and unconditional, it doesn’t judge or blame, it treats everybody equally, always. It can be a very difficult concept to grasp from a point of view of a human being. This is something that can only be really understood when you connect to your Truth and start remembering who you and others really are.

Here is a very important thing that not many of us realise - in truth we are love and so the closer we are with our thoughts, feelings, words and actions to the love that we truly are, or in other words, the more loving they are, the healthier, happier and more grateful we become. The further we steer away from who we truly are, the bigger the internal split, the louder ego thoughts there are going to be and the darker this world, everyone and everything in it will seem to us. Therefore it is so important to observe our thoughts, feelings, words and actions every day to make sure they come from love and not fear. Most of us do not pay much attention to what we think and how we feel until something major happens and we rage with anger, hate or are swallowed by anxiety and fear.

There is an exercise that you could do. Spend a day observing your thoughts and feelings, the words that you say and things that you do and see whether most of them come from love or fear. I bet that you will be amazed by the sheer noise in your head and the amount of horrible, strange or unkind thoughts towards yourself and others that you didn’t even realise you had. With all that noise it is very difficult to hear our true voice, the voice of love that guides us, that is always there whether we pay attention to it or not.

Observing your thoughts, feelings, words and actions is not enough; you also need to start changing them to the ones coming from love on a regular basis. If you want to connect to the Truth, to love that is inside, you need patience and willingness, you need to be prepared to commit effort and time and work on it every day, at times when you feel good, but also when you don’t (please look at the blog post on meditation for some more information). If you are patient with yourself and if you persevere, you will quickly notice that your life is going to change, you will be looking at it, yourself and everybody else differently. By getting closer to the love that you are, your perception of yourself and the world will change, you will feel more love towards yourself and others and will therefore be happier and kinder, the world will seem brighter and everything will become easier.

Working on yourself, connecting to the love inside takes time and requires perseverance, but anything can be achieved if you set your mind to it. You are far more than you realise and there is no limit to what you can do as long as you believe in it.

If you feel that there is more to you than you have been told, make a commitment, go inside and discover for yourself who you truly are. There is more love there for you than you can imagine 💜


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