Walk for the World - change yourself, change the world

Published on 2 October 2023 at 16:16

On Saturday, 23rd of September 2023 people from 167 countries took part in the first global Walk for the World organised by Dr Joe Dispenza and his team. Over 120,000 people registered for the walk, but I am certain that thousands more did the walking meditation on the day without registering, including my lovely dad and a few of my friends.

Other than the walk itself, something very powerful was put into motion – thousands of people were given an opportunity to meet like-minded individuals and come together as one on the day, for which I am sure many people around the world are extremely grateful to Dr Joe and his team๐Ÿ™

Our Manchester group consists of almost 70 amazing, loving and caring people. Not everybody managed to join us on the day in Heaton park, but we were blessed to have many children walking and meditating with us, which I believe made our walking meditation extra special and added even more love and light to the world. We regularly chat and meet and we are planning to do the walking meditation together every month.

The purpose of the walk was change; it was bringing more light and love to the world. Can we change the world by changing ourselves? I believe we can.

Whether you did the walking meditation or not, if you want to see a change in the world, you need to change first and you need to become the change. There can be people that can guide you, but ultimately you need to do the work yourself. Nobody can do it for you. 

Ask yourself:

  • Do you truly know what you want?
  • Do you understand the change you want to see in the world?

If you don’t know the answers then just take a little time and think about them. Why not do it now? What time would be better?

Find time for yourself away from any distractions and answer yourself truthfully - what is important for you, what is it that you really want, what kind of a person do you want to be? Check with yourself what thoughts, feelings and behaviours no longer serve you and are not in alignment with who you want to be and then write down thoughts, feelings and behaviours that you want to have and that are in alignment with your new you then consciously start changing them. For change to be permanent, you need to know what you want, you need to want to change, you need to make a decision from your heart to become that person and you need be vigilant every day and observe your thoughts, feelings and actions and change them. Quite a few things are needed here like willingness, clarity, effort, commitment, perseverance, patience and love for yourself and the process. This isn’t a quick fix, it is a gradual process, step by step. Change takes time. You have been thinking, feeling and acting in a certain way for years, so the change is not going to be sudden and you need to be prepared to work on it every day, not only when you feel like it, but also when it feels tough, as that’s when it is the most important to do the work.

Nothing is going to change if you don’t change.

Know what you want, know who you want to be and see the kind of life you want to have. Not only see it, but feel it, believe it, know it, become it. See yourself and your life the way you want every day, not just in daily meditation, but anytime like during a shower, brushing your teeth, waiting for a bus… The more you do it, the more you will believe in your future and the less doubt there is going to be. Fall in love with your future, but at the same time don’t forget to be present, work on loving yourself and your life... remember - smile, be grateful and enjoy your life! Sadly, we tend to forget to enjoy our lives and constantly think about the next thing that we need to do and far too often worry about the past or the future.

Life is here for us to enjoy. It is really up to us what we make of it.

It is of course easier said than done. I know myself how hard it is to change.

However, the more you want to change, the more willing, committed and persistent you are, the greater the chances of success. The more you practice, the better you are going to get at it, just like with everything else.

If you took part in the walking meditation on 23rd of September, what was your purpose? What did you walk as? What do you want to see more of in the world?

For me, it is love. It is always love as I believe that we can change ourselves and this world through love. Love is who we really are.

The love that is in us and for us, that is the true us, never changes and never varies. It doesn’t judge or blame and it doesn’t have any conditions.

Our perception of that love can differ, but the love itself never does. It is constant and it is always there no matter what. The closer that we can get to the love that we really are in our lives, the more we can change the world. All of us are parts of the whole, so by changing yourself, you change everything.

As Dr Joe said the walk is only the beginning. It is not enough to do one walking meditation and hope that it will change you forever. If you do not continue the work, sooner or later you will go back to your old patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving. In order to see a lasting change, you need to become the change, not only by doing something once or twice, not only in your meditation, but by practising being who you really want to be for the rest of the day, every day. 

The more you know who you really are - an amazing, unlimited and powerful being, the more you realise that you can accomplish anything that you put your mind and heart to.

Let’s be the change and “walk as it” every day ๐Ÿ’œ



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