Nature and wellbeing

Published on 4 September 2023 at 17:00

So many of us take nature for granted. We live very busy lives and there is so much information coming to us from so many sources that it can be difficult to always know whether what we hear is genuine and intended to inform, empower and educate rather than just scare, harm, disempower and confuse.

With such busy lives so full of distraction we need to have the discipline to make time for ourselves. To have the chance to connect with who we really are so that we can understand what we really need.

How many of us actively spend time in nature and just allow ourselves to feel the connection with everything around us? When did you last go for a walk and instead of obsessing about your problems, just stayed still in the moment feeling the breeze on your face and listening to the song of birds or feeling the cool grass on your bare feet?

Fortunately, nowadays we understand more and more about the importance of nature onto our well-being. Covid 19, when a lot of us were stuck in flats, made it obvious how much we need nature and how it positively impacts our mental health. We are connected to it in more ways than we recognise, however for a long time we have underestimated it, we have taken it for granted and we have been growing further apart from it. 

Yet, spending some time in nature can significantly improve the way we feel. 

At the same time regular exercise provides many benefits for our physical and mental health from reducing the risk of major diseases, to improving our mood, self-self-esteem and energy

Some people think that in order to start exercising and keep fit, they need to regularly go to a gym and if they can’t commit or are unable to join a gym, they simply give up exercising altogether. It is extremely important to understand that simple things like going for a walk (brisk walk is the best) can do absolute wonders and positively impact our health. Unless you have serious mobility issues, anybody can really go for a walk and the best thing about it - it is free; all you need is to step out of your house or a flat and start walking. Just breathing the fresh air, being outside and changing your surroundings can alter the way you feel. I think the gym can be very beneficial for your health and keeping fit, however, it is not the only thing that you can do for your body and your mind. Meditation, concentrating more on the present moment and working on gratitude, on finding more and more reasons to be grateful can significantly change your outlook on life and your well-being. There isn’t just one way in which you can meditate. Most of us associate meditation with sitting down, however, you can also practice meditation lying down, standing and walking. Dr Joe Dispenza offers all kinds of meditations incorporating all of these styles. You can find more information at What could be a better way to practice a walking meditation than in nature? Where do you think is better for you to meditate? Surrounded by concrete and car noise or trees, plants, flowers and animals?

Please try it out for yourself. Go out for a walk and be present. Try not to think about your problems, but simply observe the world around, focus on the people that you pass by, the trees, notice the weather – is it sunny or cloudy? Warm or cold? All weather has its charm if you will only open yourself up and allow it to be part of you.

When you catch yourself thinking thoughts like ‘I will exercise tomorrow’, ‘it is too sunny, rainy, cold, warm...’, you have to recognise those imposters as your ego trying to put you off changing and making a different choice that could massively improve your wellbeing. If you listen to your ego and its millions of excuses, nothing will ever change in your life. Remember that you create your life every day with your thoughts, feelings and actions.

You are an amazing being.

You are more than capable of making a different choice and one that could change your life for the better. Not tomorrow or next week, but now, in this moment.

The decision is always yours 💜


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