The Power of Collective Consciousness

Published on 30 October 2023 at 15:55

Most of us think that we are separate beings and that how we think, feel and what we do affect only ourselves. The truth is completely different. We are beings of light, love and energy and we are all connected. Our thoughts, feelings and actions have more power than we realise and affect everyone.

There aren’t that many people who actively do their best every day to make sure that what they do and how they think, and feel is loving, kind and considerate and instead of adding fear, anxiety and hatred to the energy of all on our planet, they add love, joy and peace.

It is not about trying to be perfect as that simply doesn’t exist here and can only lead to frustration, unworthiness and disappointment. Everybody reacts. The work is about shortening the reaction period and learning to respond rather than react. Reactions are normally faster, impulsive and purely emotional, whereas responses happen after you have considered the best outcome of the situation and so are slower, rational and conscious.

With radio, television, internet and social media all providing so much conflicting information, it is very difficult to know who to believe and trust. The only place where you can rediscover your true self, find answers, peace and love is within. The more you do that then the more you remember how amazing, unlimited and powerful you really are. You realise the importance of starting your day with meditation, so that you can find more reasons to be grateful, to be present and to be working every day on loving yourself, others and your life is. These are key ingredients to changing your energy and becoming more in tune with the love that you really are.  

When you realise who you and others truly are, everything changes. You treat yourself and others with more love, compassion and understanding. Instead of seeing problems, you see opportunities. You intentionally switch off the news knowing how important maintaining and raising the frequency of your energy is. Not only for yourself, but for the whole world.

You enjoy your own company more and prefer to be around like-minded people whose energy and beliefs are similar to yours. Being yourself and speaking your truth becomes very important to you. However, it is not always that easy to find people who speak the same language and live in your vicinity. That’s why Dr Joe Dispenza’s first global Walk for the World in September 2023 created such a massive opportunity for thousands of people around the world to meet like-minded people, to meditate together, chat and raise their energy vibration and, therefore, the energy of us all. Just knowing who you are as a person, your beliefs and understanding of the world, although different from most people, is shared with others, made a massive difference and changed many people’s lives.

We realise more and more that in order to change the world, we need to change ourselves, our thoughts, feelings and behaviours. We need to raise our vibration. There isn’t just one person who is going to change the world, it is going to be done by a group of people working on being more loving, kind and considerate every day. Dr Joe loves to talk about the principle in biology of emergence, where for example in a school of fish or a flock of birds there isn’t just one leader and everybody else follows. Instead everybody leads.

Changing the world starts with us – we all need to lead. We all need to work every day on being the best version of ourselves that we can be. We all need to remember that all of us are connected and work as one mind and one heart.

We can only change and heal the world through love. In Truth all of us are love and so anybody can work on becoming more loving and caring regardless of their circumstances, previous experiences or actions. Anybody can change. And through changing yourself, you change the world.

The more of us that work on being love and raising our vibration, the bigger the difference in the world there is going to be. If you haven’t taken part in the first Walk for the World walking meditation, please sign up at The next global Walk for the World is going to take place on 11th of November 2023. You can walk on your own, with your family, friends, or join one of thousands of groups created around the world. No previous meditation experience is necessary.

You are a truly amazing being. If you do not know it yet, please go inside and discover your magnificence. You will be surprised by the amount of love there is in you and for you.

The world needs YOU, YOUR heart, YOUR dedication and YOUR love. Ask yourself one simple question - which ingredient does the world need more of? Is it money? Is it power? OR is it love?

Let’s change the world by bringing more love to it 💜



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