Yesterday, today or tomorrow?

Published on 13 November 2023 at 17:07

What do you concentrate on? Who are you being every day? Do you actively observe your thoughts, feelings and behaviours and work on being the best version of yourself or do you just go through your life automatically thinking, feeling and doing the same things every day? 

Regardless of what you have been taught, told or what your beliefs are, we are not victims but rather creators of our lives. We create our lives with our thoughts, feelings, words and actions and we get what we create. 

What have you created so far? Are you content with your creation? If you are, if you go through your life consciously designing it, loving yourself and your life, then I salute you. You are doing a brilliant job. If however, you have been sleep walking through your life, oblivious to the fact that you create it, do you want to continue as it is or do you want to change it? The decision is always yours. It is your life, you are in charge of it and you are responsible for the way it is. You might of course tell yourself that you are not, you always have got that choice, however, by thinking that way, you take your own power away. 

You can concentrate on the past, reliving traumas and various experiences, you can spend your time worrying about some potential future case scenarios or you can decide to live in the now, being grateful, consciously choosing thoughts and emotions of joy, peace, love and abundance and actively working on loving yourself and enjoying your life. 

Do not wait for the right moment as you might end up waiting forever. Do not think that you are not young, old, smart, rich… enough. These are all simply excuses. You are a truly amazing being, a being of love and light. There is so much power in you, so much potential. However, if you are not aware of it, it doesn’t exist for you. It is always there, but your focus is on something else. Please check with yourself and take note of the things you mainly concentrate on. Is it the good or bad things? Are you mostly grateful or dissatisfied? Happy or unhappy? We tend to put most of our attention on the flaws, mistakes and problems, instead of seeing opportunities, instead of noticing all the wonderful things that we accomplish.

Do you want to continue your life as it is or do you want to change it? Only you can answer these questions and only you can make a decision to change.

Go within and discover how truly magnificent and unlimited you are. Start your day with meditation. Find a few things that you can feel grateful for and do your best to see the positive side of everything. Observe your thoughts and emotions and change the ones that do not serve you anymore to love, peace and joy. If you continue to do it every day, you will soon discover how your perception of yourself and your life will change. When your alter your perception, when you change your thoughts, feelings and behaviours, everything will start to change.

It is about small but steady steps. Nobody is perfect and so be kind and patient to yourself. Change takes time. Some days are easier, some more difficult. Please remember that every day is a new beginning. If you make a mistake, simply take note of it and make a different decision next time. The more you love yourself and the process, the easier it is going to be.

Believe in yourself and choose to concentrate on living in the now. Choose happiness. Choose love.

Love heals all 💜


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