Bringing more Love and Light to the World

Published on 21 August 2023 at 16:00

I am very passionate about bringing more light and love to the world. I believe that there is enough sadness, misery, darkness and drama out there and instead what people need is hope, light, joy and love.

When I was younger I often felt guilty for not doing enough, not volunteering, not being there for others, physically not contributing enough, but in time I realised that although all of these are amazing things that we can do for others, they are not the only ways that we could be of service. What is more by feeling guilty, I certainly wasn’t helping anybody, including myself. Guilt, blame, judgment, anxiety, anger, basically all emotions coming from fear, from ego, take you very far from who you really are, from the love and light that is your Truth. These ego based emotions are not loving to yourself or anybody else.

All of us are truly amazing and unlimited beings, far more incredible than we can imagine. There is so much more to us than our bodies. We are not separate beings, but rather all of us are one, all of us are connected and all of us are energy. And so in order for me to help another person, I do not necessarily need to be there physically with them. I can send them love, light, joy, health, peace, essentially whatever it is that they need, from wherever I am at that time. It might be a difficult concept to understand for those of you who have never looked past what we can perceive through our five basic human senses. And what we can perceive through our human senses seems to be less than 1% of reality (

The best way to discover more about who we truly are is by going within, by spending time with ourselves in meditation. All answers are within us if only we are willing to listen, be present, open, patient and grateful, if only we are willing to commit time, effort and persevere.

Opening your heart and sending love and light to others influences both the person you are directing love towards and yourself as well. It is true that just like everything else it is a skill and so the more you practice, the more you persevere and the more you genuinely want to do it, the better you are going to be at it. Opening your heart and sending love can help you and others in all kinds of situations. I for example still need to work on myself and my temper while driving and I am challenged the most when I am late and in a hurry. Whenever I forget and get angry at for example another driver, if I decide to stay angry, things get worse very quickly. If there is somebody else there in the car with me, not only do I impact the way I feel, but I change the atmosphere in the car and negatively influence others travelling with me. However, the more I work on myself, the more vigilant I am of my thoughts, feelings, words and actions and the more I am willing to change, the easier it is going to be for me to catch myself before my emotions get out of hand. I then close my eyes (not while driving), remember who I and the other person really are and send them love. That seemingly simple thing works for myself as well as I immediately calm down.

As I mentioned before, opening your heart and genuinely sending love and light to others is a skill. At first it can be challenging, it might take some time for you to catch yourself in time before you overreact, it might feel fake, it might seem extremely hard or even impossible to send somebody love, especially if they hurt you. Sending love and genuinely meaning it might not be easy, but it is certainly worth it as it completely changes the way you feel, it frees you. When you open your heart and send love to a person who caused you pain, you create magic that goes beyond forgiveness. The more you do it, the stronger the feelings of love are going to be. Darkness can’t coexist with true love and so the feelings of hurt and pain melt away bringing you peace, joy and freedom.  

You do not need to have tons of money, resources, lots of free time or be famous to help others. We can change and brighten someone’s day or even life in so many ways, including very simple ones that a lot of us take for granted. We often do not realise how a simple smile, a kind word or a hug can influence another person. I absolutely love seeing the spark of the Divine in people’s eyes when I smile at them, hug them or say something kind to them and acknowledge their internal beauty and magnificence.

If you are familiar with Dr Joe Dispenza’s work, you probably have already heard of the first live international walking meditation called “Walk for the World” that is going to take place on Saturday, 23rd of September 2023 at 10am EDT / 3pm BST. Dr Joe is creating a special walking meditation lasting 50 minutes, just for this walk. You do not have to be familiar with Dr Joe’s work or practice meditations in order to join the walk. Everybody is welcome. You can walk as a part of a group, with your family, friends or on your own. We have a group here in Manchester created especially for the walk currently consisting of more than 30 amazing people and every day the numbers are increasing. Imagine what can be achieved if thousands of people around the world walk together as one, opening their hearts and minds, bringing more love and light to the world. It is extremely exciting and I can’t wait. More information on the walk and ways to register can be found by following this link  

Everybody wants to be loved, acknowledged, seen and respected. Everybody wants to be happy. It doesn’t cost much to be loving, kind and considerate, but the rewards are enormous. So instead of complaining, judging, blaming and adding more misery and darkness to the world, why don’t we open our hearts, recognise that in Truth we are not really different, we are not separate, that all of us are pure, unconditional love, truly amazing and unlimited beings and send love and light to others 💜


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