Limiting Beliefs

Published on 27 November 2023 at 17:09

A lot of us think that we are not enough - not smart, young, old, confident, beautiful, rich, loving... enough. The list goes on and on. The truth is that you are enough, you are more than enough.

After so many years of internal work, I discovered recently that some unwanted beliefs like “I am not good enough” and “I am not worthy”, were still there. I was shocked, but at the same time I was grateful that they came to the surface as I wouldn’t be able to change something that I wasn’t aware of. And I was definitely ready to change these beliefs. I know who I want to be, I know what is important for me and in order to become that person, I need to get rid of these limiting beliefs. 

What about you? Are there any beliefs that limit you? Have you dedicated some time for yourself to check what they could be? You might have great plans, amazing goals, feel really good about what you would like to do or accomplish, but if you do not deal with those beliefs that do not serve you, they will always limit you and what you can achieve. 

As young children, we haven’t properly developed analytical thinking yet and so everything that we repeatedly hear like “You are not good enough”, “You will never achieve anything”, “Money doesn’t grow on trees”..., we take as a fact. The more we think and associate with these statements and the more corresponding feelings our thoughts produce, the more solid our belief is going to be. And unfortunately, far too often these beliefs are not empowering, but limiting and they tend to be unconscious.

What can we do then? First of all, we need to become aware of any beliefs that do not serve us and we need to answer ourselves truthfully whether we want to hold on to them or change them. Is your belief true? What happens when you believe that thought, what feelings does it produce? Does it help you or hinder you? Is that kind of thinking loving to you? What would your life be like if that belief didn’t exist?

The more honest you are with yourself, the more you question your belief, the better chances of producing some doubt there are going to be. When you know that you no longer want to keep this belief, that you want to set yourself free, you need to think of an opposing belief, a belief that will empower you, that will make you love yourself and your life more, that will make you happier and more grateful.

Does all of it mean that you will need to put some time and effort into it? Yes, of course. You have been thinking and feeling certain way for many years and so the change won’t be sudden. Is it worth it? From experience I can tell you that it is, but the decision is always yours. It is you your life, you create it every day with all of your choices and it is up to you what you do with it. However, ask yourself whether you have much to lose? What’s the “worst thing” that can happen by ridding yourself of those limiting beliefs? That you will become a happier, more loving, grateful and kinder person? Is that not worth the effort?

Please remember that the more reasons you give for your new empowering belief to be true, the more stable and solid it is going to be and the easier it will be for it to replace your old limiting belief. We tend to concentrate on things that we do not want and do not like, on things that we fear, instead of focusing on who we want to be and what we desire to see in our lives.

Shift your focus from negative to positive, alter your perception of yourself and everything in your life will start to change.

You are an amazing and unlimited being and you hold the power to change your life in your hands. So what will you decide to do? 💜


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