Sending Love to Others

Published on 19 February 2024 at 15:55

Recently I was asked some questions around sending love to others which prompted me to write this blog post. It was particularly the feeling of guilt that was expressed when receiving back the love that was sent to another person.

If you have been on the journey to the discovery of your Truth for some time, you will have hopefully started to remember and realise how truly amazing and powerful you are. All of us are beings of love and light. Not just any love, but pure, unconditional love. All of us are one, all of us are equal and all of us are parts of God, of Source, of love.

Quite a lot of people would either laugh at this, feel guilty even thinking they are a part of God, call it profanity and/or get angry. Why? Most of us are not taught from an early age that we are remarkable beings, that there is far more to us than just our bodies. Instead we are often told that we are sinners, that we are far from perfect and are given rules set by other human beings on how to live in order to get to Heaven after death. So from the beginning we are informed that there is something wrong with us, something missing and if we try hard enough and obey these rules, then maybe we will not end up in Hell. A lot of pressure is put on us and a lot of fear, guilt, blame and judgment instilled very early on in our lives.

How then can we think of ourselves as deserving, worthy and enough, not to even mention pure, unconditional love? When you are repeatedly told that you are not worthy, when you think and feel that you are not enough, after a while it will become your belief about yourself, one that is often unconscious, but one that will impact decisions you make and consequently your life. If you would like to find out more about this topic, please have a look at my earlier blog post on limiting beliefs.

It is not surprising then, that when sending love to another person and receiving even more back, we would feel somewhat confused and guilty as we wouldn’t think that we were worthy of the love that was coming back to us. We wouldn’t understand why we would even receive love in the first place.

Let’s have a look at what happens when we send love to another person. When you open your beautiful heart and truly feel love for another, when you focus on them and send them love and light, even more love is sent back to you. It feels absolutely wonderful, however, if you are not used to receiving, if you do not feel worthy, the experience might bring up feelings of guilt. Love is who we really are and so the ability to feel it, to send it and to feel worthy of receiving it is essential for our happiness and well-being. Therefore, I feel it is extremely important for us to go within, connect to the love that we are and understand how truly amazing and worthy of love we are.

We are not separate beings, we are not just flesh and bone. There is so much more to us than that. We are far more incredible and unlimited than we could ever imagine. What is vital to understand is the fact that all of us are one, hence, when you send love to another person, you send it to yourself as well as both of you are one and connected. What is more, when you do something from love, even more love will be given you. And so it is completely normal to feel love and to feel amazing when you send love to another person. In fact, if what you feel is pure, unconditional love for yourself when you send love to another, what I would say is instead of feeling guilty, you should feel proud, because you truly tapped in to who you are, you sent love from your heart and you felt the love that we all are, that is our Truth. The act of sending love to another not only changes them, but yourself as well. It enriches you, it makes you happier, more whole and closer to the love you truly are. I would even go so far as to say that sending love to another person is one of the easiest ways to change the way you feel. If you are down, if there are problems, if you got angry at somebody, then by choosing to connect to the Truth of you and to send love to another person, you activate something really powerful and everything in you and around you changes for the better.

If you are not used to opening your heart and sending love, you might argue that this is definitely not the easiest way to change they way you feel. However, the simple truth is that the more you practice something, the easier it gets. So yes, I agree that it might not be straightforward to start with, but you can get better at it the more you do it. If you persevere, in time you will notice that you can change the way you feel simply by remembering who you really are and feeling love. You can send love to another person or you can send it to yourself, even just by saying “I love you”, and truly meaning it. Check your thoughts around sending love to yourself and whether there are any feelings of guilt or unworthiness there that will need to be addressed.

Dr Joe Dispenza released a free meditation during the Covid pandemic called “GOLOV-20”, which I wholeheartedly recommend to you. It will help you open your gorgeous heart, connect to the love within and send love to another person. The more you practice it, the better you will get at feeling the love that you truly are, feeling one with others and feeling worthy when receiving love back. You can find the meditation by following this link

Everything that you have just read has to be experienced by you going within in order to be understood and applied. It is really up to you how far you will take this knowledge and how willing you are to commit time and effort in order to find out how much love there is in you and for you and what miracles can be performed by being love and sending it to others.

Thank you so much for reading this blog post. I feel really privileged to have you here. You are an amazing being of light and love. I love you 💜



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