Two voices

Published on 5 February 2024 at 17:05

We think all the time whether we are aware of it or not. As I mentioned in the previous blog post “Realigning to love”, it would be impossible for us to catch every thought every time, however, we can get better and better at observing them. From there we can make a decision whether we want to continue thinking certain way or make a change.

The title of this blog post is “Two voices”. What do I mean by that? All of us are very familiar with ego voice that can often be very noisy, accusing, blaming, judging or shaming. We need ego in this world to make sense of this reality, but far too often we give our own power away to it. We let it control our thoughts and feelings instead of us deciding how we really want to think and feel. Thoughts create corresponding feelings and in turn feelings create more thoughts. It is a loop in which it is very easy for us to get stuck. What you say and do and ultimately who you become in terms of your personality is based on the way you feel and think and so it is extremely important to spend time every day being vigilant and observing your thoughts and feelings, knowing which ones do not serve you and change them to the ones you want to demonstrate. For this to happen and for you to succeed you need to know and be very clear on what you really want, whether you are prepared to do everything in your power to achieve it and persevere no matter what.

What is the other voice then? We all hear it from time to time, some more often than others, when we are present, when we are filled with love, gratitude and peace. It is the voice of love, of the Truth within, of who we really are. It is always there, it never leaves us. Whether we hear it is totally up to us. We can dismiss it, we can disbelieve it, we can deny it, but it is and always will be there. It can’t be any other way as we are one with love, with the Truth, with Source, with God. We are not mere human beings, fragile and weak. We came here of our own volition. We absolutely wanted to come here to experience it all, we knew we would always be a part of Source and we knew that we would never be left without guidance. The guidance can come to us in many forms, in a song we hear, in a movie we watch, in something we read, in what another person says, in a dream, in an idea that suddenly pops up in our head...

For me the voice of Truth that I hear is my own voice. It is gentle, yet powerful. It is loving and caring. There is an easy way for you to know which voice you hear – check with your feelings. If what you feel is love, kindness, peace, joy or gratitude, it is the voice of love. If what you hear puts you in a place of fear feeling worry, anger, frustration, guilt, hate and so on, it is the voice of ego. The longer you stay in the place of fear listening to the ego voice, the worse you are going to feel and the darker this world will seem to you. You will believe more in what other people say and what you hear on the news. As a matter of fact, you will actually wait for the news just to feel the familiar feelings again, even if they are negative. They are addictive.

Is there any way out of this? Of course. Anybody can change the way they feel, what they say and what they do. How? By observing your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. By getting clear on what you want and what you no longer want. By changing thoughts, feelings and behaviours to ones based on love, on peace, on kindness. By being present, practicing gratitude every day, being patient with yourself and the process, by daily meditation and connecting to the Truth within. There are many wonderful meditations out there and many meditation techniques that you could try. One meditation that I found extremely useful in realising thoughts, feelings and behaviours that I wanted to change and the ones I wanted to demonstrate instead, is Dr Joe Dispenza’s “Morning and Evening Meditations Vol. 2” Products | Morning and Evening Meditations, Volume 2 (

If you want to change, if you want to start hearing the voice of Truth, you must commit and persevere. There is no other way. However, what at the beginning might feel like hard graft, in time will become something you will love doing. Once you connect to your Truth, once you remember who you really are, once you hear the voice of love and feel peace, love and joy, basically feel whole, you will want to feel like that all the time. You will look at your life, at yourself, others and the world in a completely different way. You won’t react in the same way and you will treat others with more patience, understanding and love. You will be much more careful of what you think and how you feel as you will not want anybody or anything to move you from the place of love. There will still be occasions that will test you, you will react, but the more you practice being love, the quicker it is going to be for you to go back to it.

You see, your life and your happiness depend on you. You are a creator of your life and you can create it purposefully following love, or you can give your own power away and let ego control your thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

What you believe in and what you decide to do is in your hands. There is far more to you than you give yourself credit for. Go within and discover your true power. You are more amazing than you can imagine 💜


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