Beacon of Love and Light

Published on 4 March 2024 at 15:48

All of us came here for a reason. We actively wanted to be here, to feel all of the possible emotions, to love, to laugh, to cry, to kiss, to hold somebody’s hand, to ride a bike, to listen to birds singing... To experience it all, the so called good and bad.

This world is absolutely breathtaking and has so much to offer. Beauty and love can be found in everything, however, not everybody would agree with this statement. The way we perceive this world, ourselves, our lives and others is subjective, it often changes and depends on many factors like past experiences, beliefs and our current thoughts and feelings. We can look at this world and see pain, sadness, unfairness, cruelty and lack or beauty, love, happiness, kindness, abundance and perfection of it all.

It is then fair to say that our happiness and our lives in general depend on our perspective, on our thoughts, feelings and behaviours, on our beliefs and choices that we make. We can treat ourselves with a lot of respect, gratitude, patience, kindness and love or we can feel inadequate, unworthy, guilty, angry and aggrieved.

How do you treat yourself? Is there respect and love or do you tend to judge yourself and feel guilty? When you judge yourself, you will judge other people, when you are angry at yourself, you will be angry at others, when you love yourself, you will love everybody else.

Most people look outside to see what caused them to feel certain way, why they behaved the way they did. It is certainly easier to blame others and external circumstances than to look at what is happening inside. The truth is that it isn’t an outside in phenomenon, but an inside out one. Things do not just happen to us without our input. We actively create our lives all the time with our thoughts, feelings, behaviours and choices we make in every second of our lives. And so there are two options really – you can purposefully create your life knowing what it is that you want, having clear purpose, goals and setting a powerful intention, observing your thoughts, feelings and behaviours making sure they correlate to your intention and come from the place of love. Or you can create by not purposefully creating, give your own power away and open yourself to all kinds of random situations, both good and bad. You are a powerful vibrational being and you attract to yourself things, people and situations corresponding to the frequency of your thoughts and feelings. And so it would make a lot of sense to take time every day, get clear on what it is that you want, what kind of a person you would like to be and start observing your thoughts, feelings, words and actions and align them accordingly.

I could say it in many ways but what it all really comes down to is whether you treat yourself as a victim or a creator of your life.

Please think about it for a while. Do not just dismiss it right away.

Why am I writing about this? I notice more and more often how truly amazing and beautiful people who want to change, people who want to bring more love and light into the world treat themselves harshly which tends to lead to unnecessary struggle. It is normal to have worse days, to feel down, to be sad, to have moments of doubt, but a lot of us tend to overcomplicate things, we look to the past, feel guilty about what we did or said instead of noticing all the wonderful things that we accomplished, instead of concentrating on the love that we are. We get stuck in doubt, fear, guilt and judgment, we underestimate ourselves, which provides an opening for more ego thoughts and feelings to appear, more fear and doubt and more and more feelings of unworthiness and uncertainty. When we doubt ourselves and treat ourselves with contempt, when we feel guilty, we separate ourselves from the love that we are. We block our Truth, our perfection, we dim our light, which can’t shine and can’t positively influence us, our lives or the world. We can feel trapped, we can feel like a failure as instead of adding love and light to the world, we add guilt, judgment, frustration and unworthiness. It is like a vicious circle and it is easy to get stuck in there.

Is there a way out? Always. Simply pause, take same time for yourself and realise what is happening. Ego thoughts are not real. They are not facts. They come and go. Do not hold on to them. Instead, remember who you truly are. Stop treating yourself as a victim, as weak, unsubstantial and fragile. Understand that you are doing it to yourself, that you are responsible for your thoughts, feelings and behaviours and you can always change the way you feel, what you say and what you do. You can choose not to hold on to ego thoughts, let them go and start thinking differently.

You are in charge. Feel the freedom that comes with these words. Really truly feel it. You are a remarkable, unlimited being, a being of pure love and light. You are one with Source.

You create your life, you make decisions and only you can decide to change. Nothing will ever change without your decision to change, your willingness, patience, effort and perseverance.

Who do you want to be? It is a very important question and you owe it to yourself to answer it honestly. Do you want to keep treating yourself harshly, live in doubt, guilt, blame and judgment, never really fulfilled and satisfied? Or do you want to be the love that you truly are, shine your light on others and add joy, kindness, peace and love to the world?

The decision is always yours. Every day is a new beginning.

If you want to change, then start treating yourself with respect, love, patience and understanding that you deserve. What is more, please stop treating yourself and your life so seriously. You are not here to be judged. You are here to experience it all, to have fun and enjoy your life. You are loved always and forever and nothing is ever going to change that.

You are a perfect being of love and light. Go within and connect to your Truth. Find the love inside that is you and that is always there for you. Feel it, take time to become one with it. Remember who you truly are and why you are here. Leave past behind, learn from your mistakes and focus on your life here and now.

Deep down you know that you are love and that you are perfect. Be completely honest with yourself. You know why you are here. Stop waiting, stop procrastinating. Follow your heart, let the love flow freely and become a beacon of love and light in the world 💜


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