What do you focus on?

Published on 9 January 2024 at 15:55

In the last blog post I talked about New Year’s resolutions, how self-reflection is very important for our growth and what other ingredients are necessary to successfully change something about ourselves and our lives. I mentioned briefly our tendency to focus on things that we don’t want instead of the ones we do. Let’s have a closer look at this subject.

It makes sense that in order to change something, we need to become aware of what it is that we actually want to change. What is our process? How do we go about getting things that we desire?

Most of us think that we have to work very hard in order to achieve anything. We need to sweat and stress, make sacrifices and even then we are not guaranteed success. We work extremely hard for many years, missing birthdays and other special occasions only to realise in the end that it simply wasn’t worth it, that nobody really appreciated our dedication and that the sacrifice and hard work didn’t bring us the happiness and fulfilment that we were hoping for.

What about those who have that deep seated feeling that there is more to us than we have been told? That life doesn’t necessarily need to be difficult. That there is another way. How do we get the things that we desire?

We realise that our thoughts, feelings and behaviours create our reality and in order to purposefully create our lives, we need to constantly observe and adjust what we think about, how we feel and what we do. All three need to be tended to in order for us to see the right outcomes. If you for example want to be abundant, you need to think abundant thoughts, you need to feel free and abundant and you need to act like an abundant person. You need to do it every day, not only when you feel like it. You need to think, feel and act abundant without waiting for evidence, without any sense of expectation, hope, lack, frustration or worry. When the times are good and bad, when there is money in your pocket and when unexpected bills arrive.

Daily meditation is extremely beneficial and from my own experience, absolutely essential. Among other things, it helps you get clear on what you want, it helps you get in touch with your Truth and it helps you overcome your ego and start your day in a peaceful, loving and relaxed way. You still obviously need to be cautious and observe your thoughts, feelings and behaviours throughout the day, but regular meditation gives you a massive head start and helps you create your day the way you want it.

Why is constant self-observation so important? Even if we are aware of who we truly are and that we create our lives, we still far too often tend to concentrate on the opposite of what we actually want. What do I mean by that? Let’s take abundance once again as an example here. Why do you want to be abundant? Is it to stop feeling lack, to get out of financial difficulties, to pay your bills, to stop feeling stressed and worried? If that is what you concentrate your thoughts, feelings and actions on when you want to be abundant, then what you want is a known, it is what already exists. All these things - lack, stress, worry, financial difficulties, are actually what you do not want and what you want to change.

Remember that you get more of what you concentrate on.

So if you want abundance in order not to feel lack and you focus most of your thoughts and feelings on not feeling lack, then all you will get is more lack. The Truth in you loves you unconditionally and would never judge you or deny your free will. It will always give you what you ask for.

What is it then that you would need to concentrate your thoughts, feelings and actions on if you wanted abundance in your life? You would need to focus on the feelings of freedom, joy, happiness and love. So instead of thinking, feeling and saying that you want abundance in order not to feel worried, stressed or feeling lack (which is what you already have and you want to change), you would need to practice feeling free and happy every day as many times as possible.

The bottom line is, in order to become abundant, you need to start thinking, feeling and acting like an abundant person right now, regardless of your current circumstances. If you want to see positive results in your life, you need to take some time for yourself to check how an abundant person would think, feel and act. If you do not know, read books about abundant people. Learn what it means to be abundant and become it.

Do not wait for somebody to give you something.

Do not pray, wish and hope.

Do not wait for things to start changing on their own without you changing. Nothing is going to change until you change.

Make a decision, believe in yourself and every day work on overcoming yourself and becoming the new you. There is nothing that you cannot do💜


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