Realigning to love

Published on 22 January 2024 at 17:07

The title of this post already contains the essence of what this work is really about. If I was to mention only one thing that would help you become a happier, more loving, caring, abundant and fulfilled person, it would be to observe your thoughts, feelings and actions every day and align them with your Truth, with the Source, with unconditional love that you are a part of. This is what it is all really about.

In Truth you are love.

Love is in everything and everyone.

Love is who you really are.

Sadly this is not something we are taught when we are children and most of us do not live by it. Why would that be important? The further you drift away from love with your thoughts, feelings and actions, the worse you are going to feel and the darker this world will seem to you. Fear, anxiety, guilt, judgment, hate, blame and shame are all separation from love.

You are a truly amazing and powerful being and you instinctively know what makes your heart sing and what makes you feel awful. The thing about us human beings is that far too often we carry on doing and repeating the same things over and over again until every day looks like the one before. We get used to thinking, feeling and behaving certain way regardless of whether our thoughts and feelings serve us and make us feel good or not. Too many of us are caught up in guilt, blame and victimisation. It is quite easy to get lost there, especially when what you see around you and what you hear on news not only confirms your view of yourself, your life and this world, but makes it even worse.

Please do not think that it is all doom and gloom. Far from it. We all have a choice of how we feel, what we say and what we do. Always. If you say you do not, you only take the power away from you and make yourself a victim. Thoughts are a bit trickier as you think all the time whether you are aware of it or not. However, you can still observe them and decide whether you want to carry on with them or whether you want to start thinking differently. When you try to change your negative thoughts and feelings to positive and you keep failing, which will most probably lead to anger and frustration, please pause. It is not about going from hate to love, but taking step by step slowly going up the ‘emotional ladder’. It also helps to concentrate on something neutral. If you for example notice yourself getting angry at your partner because of something they said or did, please do your best to find neutral ground, concentrate on something that doesn’t irritate you, that doesn’t create any strong emotions in you. From there it is much easier to remember who you really are and go back to love.

The more present you are in your life, the more you observe yourself, the more love and patience you feel towards yourself, your life and the process, the more time you spend in meditation getting in touch with who you really are and the more you practice, both in your meditation and throughout the day, thinking, feeling and behaving the way you want, the easier it is going to be to catch yourself whenever your thoughts or feelings start to drift away from love, joy and peace. Ultimately, the easier it is going to be the love that you truly are.

The aim is to get really good at catching yourself thinking negative thoughts before they even get a chance to influence the way you feel. However, even if you start feeling the way you do not want, please remember that you can always change it.

Add to it all a very important ingredient – gratitude, and you have a recipe for success. Gratitude is something that you can consciously practice and get better and better at. The more grateful you are for yourself, your life, including people, things, places, experiences and situations, the happier you are going to be and the easier your life is going to get. I wrote a post on gratitude and so here I will only mention a few important things. Practice gratitude the moment you wake up in the morning. It is such a fantastic way of helping you start your day in a higher vibration with positive thoughts and feelings and with love in your heart. Instead of reaching for your phone and starting to check your e-mails or social media, find a few things you can be grateful for. It can be anything from your pillow to your loved ones. Starting with something small to be grateful for will be easier if you are not used to feeling gratitude. Say thank you for a wonderful day filled with love, joy and peace, for serendipities and amazing opportunities. Don’t just think it. Feel it, see it, know it. Know that your day is easy and everything just falls into place. Feel grateful for it and then go into your day knowing that it is already done. No second guessing, no worrying, no thinking whether you deserve it and how it is going to be done (leave how and when to your Truth). Know that you are worthy. How can you not be? You are a part of God, of Source, of love. You are pure and unconditional love, a completely amazing, unlimited and powerful being. You can of course think you are not, dim your light and get further and further away from the love that you really are. However, in reality, you can never stop being it.

You have always been and you will always be pure love.

And so the work really is about the alignment with the Truth, constantly checking your vibration, the frequency of your thoughts, feelings, words and actions and realigning to appreciation, joy, kindness and peace.

Realigning to love, to our natural state, to who we really are 💜



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