New Year's Resolutions

Published on 28 December 2023 at 17:17

New Year is not the only time when people decide to change something about themselves, however, it seems to be the most common. Christmas season coupled with the end of a year brings many opportunities for self-reflection.

Is it important to reflect on a year passed, on achievements, experiences and the lessons they brought? On where we are in our lives as opposed to where we would like to be? On our thoughts, feelings and behaviours, checking whether they are in line with the kind of people we want to become? I believe that if we want to grow and evolve, if we want to be better, more loving, kind, considerate and happier human beings, then self-reflection is crucial, not just at the end of the year, but on a regular basis.

Self-reflection is vital, however, there are other ingredients that are essential if we truly want to change something about ourselves and our lives, and succeed. Knowing what it is that you want to work on is very important, however, you also need to want to change, you need to commit time and effort every day and persevere. Without the heartfelt decision to change, willingness, diligence, patience and love for yourself and the process, not much is going to happen. Hence, many people start, but not finish. They either lack the clarity of what they truly want to achieve, their desire to change is not strong enough or they simply are not willing to commit enough time and effort and sooner or later give up and go back to the old and familiar.

It is definitely easier to call it a day and go back to your old ways, to follow the mainstream, especially when your family and friends are not that keen for you to change and most people that you know stay in the familiar as it gives them an illusion of stability and safety, even if it doesn’t serve them, even if it brings them pain. It takes an enormous amount of energy, courage, perseverance and determination to be bold, to change, to go against the known, the majority, the conventional and familiar.

Is it worth the effort? Only you can answer that question. Only you know what you want to change and how much you want it.

Is it going to transform your life for the better? Is it going to make you a kinder, more evolved and loving person?

What is more important to you? Your own growth, happiness and contribution to the whole based on a higher frequency of your energy? Or what other people think of you, their beliefs, desires, wants and needs? Who knows you better? You or them? Where do you turn to for an opinion, support and advice? Inside or outside?

Answer these questions truthfully. Dedicate enough time for yourself to really find out what you want and why you want it. The clearer you are on what and why, the higher chances of success.

Far too often we concentrate on the things that we do not want instead of the ones that we want. I will write more about the topic in my next blog post.

You are a truly amazing being. More brilliant than you can imagine, more capable of change than you recognise.

What time is better than now to change, to grow, to become the new you? Invest in yourself and your future.

The power to change is in you and regardless of what excuses you find and use, it is only really down to you whether you start the process of change, continue, persevere and succeed. You can do anything if you put your heart and mind to it.

I love you and I wish you all the best in the New Year 💜



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