The Power is in You

Published on 7 August 2023 at 18:05

We do not have to go deeper and have a debate on whether we are barely human beings or if there is more to us than we can see to understand that we create our own lives on a daily basis. Regardless of whether you are religious or do not believe in anything, the power to make your own decisions, the power to choose your thoughts, feelings and actions unequivocally belongs to you.

Yes, the power to create your own life through your thoughts, feelings, actions, choices and beliefs is in you. You have the power to blindly follow other people’s opinions in the same way as you have the power to think for yourself.

If anybody tells you that you are a sinner, that the colour of your skin is not right, that you should be different, then please remember that it is their ego talking and that only you can decide what to do with that information. You can believe in what others are saying, you can try to comply or you can love and accept yourself the way you are and form your own opinion. If you try to conform to other people’s beliefs and opinions about you instead of your own, there will always be consequences as you will be acting against yourself.

Great freedom comes from knowing that you are in charge of your life, that you make your own decisions and that you choose what you think, how you feel and what you do. Nobody can ever make you feel certain way unless you decide to do so. Please understand that by believing that you have no choice, you take your own power away and treat yourself as a victim.

Please do not get me wrong, it is entirely up to you how you live your life, I am not here to tell you what to do. Then why am I writing all this? I spent many years trying to understand who I really was, I searched for the meaning of my life in many places and far too many times I discovered that what I was told or taught wasn’t empowering, but rather it was designed to take my own power away from me. The realisation that I am in control of my life, that I create my life every day with my thoughts, feelings and choices, changed everything. Please remember that it is much more difficult for people to manipulate you if you know who you are, if you are confident, if you love and accept yourself the way you are, if you look to yourself for answers instead of following others.

You are far more than you realise, you are amazing, unique, beautiful and brilliant in more ways than you can imagine. If you were to properly spend some time looking at yourself, without the usual blame, guilt or dissatisfaction, you could actually discover how incredible you really were.

The power to create your life, to actively choose your own thoughts and feelings, to be confident, to be loving, to be grateful, to feel happy is in you. Will you exercise it? The decision is yours 💜


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