
Published on 27 May 2024 at 14:04

A lot of us think that we have to be perfect. We set very high standards for ourselves and other people and are disappointed when they are not met. We believe that we need to be perfect partners, perfect parents, we need to look great, be intelligent and have a great career, lots of money and success. When we do something, we often think it is not enough, that we are not enough.

By trying hard, forcing and striving to achieve something, to reach perfection, to find happiness, we actually accomplish the opposite. The more we force and the harder we are on ourselves, the further we take ourselves from our Truth, from the perfection we really are.

For the most part we only take into consideration what we can see - our bodies, ignoring the bigger part of us that is invisible. We focus on the loud, judgmental ego voice and on other people’s and society’s expectations of us, instead of going within for answers.

There is far more to us than just our bodies. The part of us that is formless, that we can’t see, is actually the larger part of us. That’s where our perfection is, that’s the side of us that is pure, unconditional love. The human side of us is absolutely amazing, however, it is not perfect and it has not been designed to be perfect. We did not come here to be perfect or to expect others to be perfect! To set incredible high and impossible to achieve standards for ourselves and others, to judge and blame or to feel guilty, inadequate and unworthy. We are here to discover and experience it all, the so called good and bad, to grow and evolve, to make mistakes and learn from them and most importantly to enjoy our lives. We are not on a mission to accomplish something and either wait to be rewarded or worry about eternal damnation. We are eternal beings in constant process of evolution and we will never get it done, so we might as well relax, let go of the constant pressure to do more, to please others, to strive to be who we are not and who we do not really want to be and simply enjoy the journey. There isn’t any higher force that takes score, that judges us and waits for us to fail in order to punish us. It is only us human beings who do that.

It is not difficult to fail if the bar is set far too high. It is easy to become frustrated, to feel sad, lonely and anxious if what we think and how we feel is different than the way our inner being thinks. Our inner being is pure, total and unconditional love and let’s face it, majority of our thoughts are far from love, peace, gratitude and happiness. Our inner being knows us and loves us completely. It will never judge us or anybody else. It can’t. It can only love. And so when we do not feel good, when we feel loneliness, sadness, frustration, anger, hate, basically any emotion coming from ego, when we feel guilty, blame, judge ourselves or others, we stop being aligned to our Truth, to love, to who we really are. When we move from the place of love to the place of fear, we pinch ourselves off from our inner being, which feels really bad. 

What do we have to do to stop feeling bad? We need to stop the constant struggle, stop being who we are not, stop holding on to thoughts that do not serve us and choose thoughts that make us feel good. We need to be honest with ourselves and find out who we really are and what we truly want, go inside and connect to our inner being, to love that is our Truth. We do not have to go anywhere to access it. It is in us, it is us. All we need to do is cast away doubt, be willing to hear the voice of Truth, still our mind and listen with patience, love and trust.

We need to stop concentrating on doing and start focusing on feeling. On feeling good.

We really do not need to work so hard to be perfect. The larger part of us is already perfect and when we connect to that formless, loving part of ours and start consciously choosing thoughts, feelings and behaviours that come from the place of love, that are in sync with our inner being, our life is going to become so much easier, happier, richer and more beautiful, filled with love, health, freedom and abundance 💜


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