3rd Global Walk for the World

Published on 29 April 2024 at 14:04

On the 21st of April 2024 was the third global Walk for the World organised by Dr Joe Dispenza and his team. Every walking meditation that we do is extraordinary and creates powerful experiences.

This time the event felt even more special as it happened on my birthday. I was so grateful to be able to spend it in the loving energy and the company of my wonderful friends whom I met through Dr Joe’s Walk for the World last year. Heartfelt thanks to Dr Joe and his team for bringing us together.

We all feel extremely blessed to have found one another and I am sure many more people around the world feel the same. We are very grateful to be able to come together, help one another, exchange ideas, grow and bring more love and light to the world. Every time we meet we feel so much love and enthusiasm as we are able to speak from our hearts and be ourselves. We know we are not judged, but loved.

As a species we all have the inherent need to belong. We love spending time with like-minded people, we want to be understood and appreciated, we want to feel the love and the deep connection with one another. Although we might not fully realise who we really are and how deeply connected we are to one another, on some level we can’t help but feel that it is so. The more love we feel for ourselves, then the more our heart is going to be open, the more aligned we are going to be with our Truth and the more love and deep connection we will feel with everything and everybody.

All of us are the same, yet each one of us is at a different stage of their evolutionary journey. Where you are might be completely different to where I am and both places are perfect. We spend too much time judging ourselves, judging other people and feeling bad in the process, completely forgetting that how we feel is what matters most as it indicates where we are in relation to our inner being, to Source, to love.

It doesn’t really matter where you are in relation to anybody else, it doesn’t matter how old you are, what your skin colour is, whether you work in a factory or you own one. The most important is your alignment to Source, how close you are to love with your thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

Being genuinely happy, loving yourself, loving and enjoying your life is what is really important.

True happiness and love can only be found inside. Once you understand it, you will be more mindful of the thoughts you choose to hold on to, of the way you feel, the words that you speak and of the way you treat yourself and everybody else. How you spend your day and who you choose to spend it with, will matter to you so much more as you will know that you are solely responsible for your frequency. You realise that what you send out, will bring back more of the same. You will tend more to the way you feel, to your vibration as you will know that it will have an impact on your life and the life of others. You are a part of the whole and what you send out with your thoughts, feelings and actions has an influence on everybody else.

Walk for the World meditation helps you change those aspects of yourself that no longer serve you. By changing yourself, you change the world. We are not separate beings, we are all one and all of us are extensions of Source. There is more power to us than we realise.

If you would like to practice Walk for the World meditation and change the world by changing yourself, please go to https://walkforthe.world/ and download the free walking meditation. No previous meditation experience is needed in order to do it. Dr Joe will guide you step by step. Simply open your heart and let yourself be guided. You do not need to wait for the next global Walk for the World (it looks like it might be in September), you can do it as many times as you want, at a time that is best for you and at a place where you feel safe. Your loving contribution really matters. YOU matter much more than you think.

I would love to express my gratitude and love to my beautiful friends. You know who you are. You are more amazing and unlimited than you realise. Please continue to shine your light and keep adding more love to the world. I love you very much 💜



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