Saving the World

Published on 1 April 2024 at 16:06

There are many wonderful people out there who have beautiful hearts, who want to help others and who want to save the world. The truth however is that the world is not broken and nobody really needs saving.

There might be a lot of people disagreeing with the previous sentence and I can understand why they would think that way. When you look at the world and see pain and suffering, when you see others as weak and fragile beings who need saving, you do it from the place of ego forgetting who we really are, what this world is and why we are here. We are perfect, unlimited and eternal beings who came to this life on purpose to experience, to grow, evolve, expand, enjoy and have fun. We knew exactly what we were doing and we were eager and enthusiastic to come. We chose where we wanted to be born, in what body and in what circumstances. All of that was to enable us to experience what we came here to experience.

When you see others who are sad, angry, hateful, fearful or judgemental, please know that they are not broken. They are merely disconnected to a certain degree from Source, from love, from who they really are. Even disconnected is not really the right word. You can never really separate yourself from your Truth, you never stop being an extension of Source, you can only forget who you are and have a perception of being disconnected and separate. The further you are from love, the darker this world will seem to you, the more problems you will see in yourself, your life, others and the world and the more lonely and separate you will feel.

So what can we do if we want to make a difference?

If you want to change the world, please start with yourself. Go within, connect to your Truth and become love. Fall in love with yourself and your life. When you look at yourself and see love and light, you will see the world and everybody else from a different perspective. You will be looking at them through the lens of the Truth, of love, seeing others for who they really are - amazing, unlimited and perfect beings.

When you look past ego, past illness, past fear, when you see another for who they really are, that’s when you really help them, that’s when you activate something really powerful in them. Nobody is separate, everyone is one. And although everybody has their own experience here and everybody creates their own reality, by staying firmly in love and only seeing the Truth in yourself, others and the world, you can help them activate the light in them, you can help them see themselves for who they really are and not the ego, not the illness. Here is the thing though - they need to be open to it, they need to be willing and receptive. If they are closed, if they are not interested, then simply love them and let them be who they want to be. They will come to you when they are ready. Do not try to change them. Do not think that they need saving. Nobody does. If you see them as broken, you will only add to their perceived suffering and see more and more of it. 

Change your perspective, treat yourself with love, really truly fall in love with yourself and your life instead of constantly judging, blaming and feeling guilty. Cut yourself some slack and let yourself be who you want to be, let yourself make mistakes as they are an important part of this journey. In Truth you are an incredible being and you came here to expand, to evolve, to experience and to live life to the full. Life is here for us to enjoy and far too often we make it really miserable, we treat it as a chore and make victims of ourselves. We are far too serious, we think we need to adhere to certain rules, to conform, that we can’t be different. Different means strange, different means that you will be alienated. Will you though? There are far more people who think and feel the way you do than you imagine. There is nothing wrong with being strange anyway. Who determines what is strange and what is normal? I would rather be called strange and be true to myself, than to follow the masses, what is expected and what somebody’s idea of me, my thoughts and behaviour is.

Focus on yourself, on what you really want and on who you really are. Be yourself, connect to love and follow your own inner guidance system. It will always show you the right way.


In conclusion:

When you look at the world and see pain and suffering, please go within and remember who we really are and why we are here. Remember our perfection, perfection of it all.

If you want to change the world, change yourself first, change your perspective, go within and connect to love. Constantly tend to your own vibration and align with Source, align with love. Change starts with you.

Do not seek to help others change until you change yourself, until you love yourself and see yourself and everybody else for who we really are - perfect beings of love and light. Otherwise you will add to their suffering and pain by looking at them from the place of ego, by thinking they are broken and need to be healed and saved.

Concentrate on the only thing that is real - love. See the love in you and others. That’s the best way to help anybody, to see them for who they really are, to stand in love, in Truth, to hold it for yourself and others.

Be an example, be love, shine the light and love and others will follow 💜


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