Never take anything coming from ego personally

Published on 18 March 2024 at 14:44

In one of my recent morning meditations I was told to never take anything coming from ego personally. Every day I understand and remember more about the Truth, about our essence and yet these reminders coming from within are essential and extremely valuable. Even when you know who you really are, this 3D reality can be very seductive, it can seem overwhelming at times and it is sometimes easy to forget and lose yourself to some extent in self-pity, self-doubt, blame, judgment or fear.

When is speak or write I use the word fear as a summation of all ego emotions and the word love as its opposite. However, fear is not the opposite of love, it is simply separation from love. Love is who we really are, it is our Truth. In reality, there is only love.

Ego is a clever construct that helps us make sense of this 3D reality. It is our human self, that side of us that we know well, that voice that is often really loud, that accuses, judges, shames and blames. In this dual world where there is happiness and sadness, we need ego to help us navigate through it. It can hinder, but it can also help us in various ways like problem solving and decision making.

In all fairness, how we use ego and to what extent is up to us.

We can believe our negative thoughts, we can make them worse and exaggerate them by holding on to them and in the process create corresponding negative feelings. Thoughts create feelings and in turn feelings create more thoughts. I wrote about this before - thoughts are just thoughts, they are not facts. It is us who add meaning to them.

Or we can simply let them go and choose feel-good thoughts, thoughts that will be aligned to who we really are. To love. The closer we are to love in our thoughts, the happier and more whole we are going to feel.

When I heard my Truth telling me to never take anything coming from ego personally, I could either take it on board or ignore it. It is not a request, it is simply a loving suggestion to wake up, to remember my Truth, my perfection and take control back.

Fear, self-victimisation, judgment, blame, self-doubt and the like can be really addictive. Knowing that to be the case and realising that you are able to do something about it can be freeing. It doesn’t matter whether it is somebody else who does something awful to you, tells you something hurtful or whether it originates in your mind, you always have a choice to believe it or ignore it, to follow ego and negative thoughts and feelings or follow love and choose positive thoughts and feelings.

It would of course be rather impossible to never make a mistake and never take anything from ego personally. That message was simply a reminder not to get stuck in ego negative thoughts and feelings, to remember what is true and what isn’t, to choose to be in control, to choose to feel good and to follow love rather than fear. It had to be slightly exaggerated for it to have a desirable effect, for me to really hear it  and to truly take it on board.

This reality is what it is. There are always going to be challenges and people with opposite views to yours offering suggestions based on their own perception of the world, of themselves, others and of you. Our role isn’t to point out mistakes, to blame, judge, get angry and offended, but to remember the Truth, to do our best to see love and light in ourselves and others regardless of what is said and done, to align our thoughts, feelings and behaviours with love instead of taking anything coming from ego personally.

Let’s just think about it all for a minute. If we know that we are perfect beings having an extraordinary experience in this 3D reality, that we came here out of our own choice and that we did it with enthusiasm, that we are always loved and guided, that nothing can ever alter our essence, the pure, unconditional love that we really are, that ego is not our Truth but it simply helps us make sense of this reality, that we can just decide not to take anything coming from it personally and instead choose loving thoughts, feelings and behaviours which will make our lives easier, richer and simply amazing, then why don’t we stop all the worry and relax, follow the love within, have fun and just enjoy the journey 💜


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