
Published on 24 July 2023 at 18:05

The amount of money one possesses, the kind of a car they drive, their house, their job and the amount of followers they have on social media seem to be the main determinants of success nowadays. Does success in this sense equal happiness? What does success really mean?

Would you rather be happy or rich? I guess ‘both’ would be the most common answer here, but does wealth guarantee happiness? In short, no. We want things, we want to be rich and there is nothing really wrong with that, however, we often do not realise that what we really want is security, freedom, peace, love and happiness. Even if we recognise that these feelings are what we are really after, if we do not look within, we will keep ending up disappointed, searching from one thing and one person to another.

We might be really wealthy, but still dissatisfied, looking for more money, a better job, a bigger house, a ‘better’ partner..., the list goes on and on. When do we stop? Do we ever enjoy the journey or focus solely on the end result? Is it all really worth it? Does the constant need to have more bring us joy?

Is being constantly dissatisfied, continuously wanting more, concentrating on what we don’t have and seeing holes in what is, a recipe for success and happiness? We need to evolve, it is good to want to change, to be happy, to aspire to be better and to have a better life, but it can be done in more ways than just through greed, dissatisfaction and unhappiness. Where does gratitude come in all of this? How much time do we actually spend consciously finding more reasons to be grateful for our lives? Gratitude is one of the most amazing emotions that can help us very quickly change the way we feel, taking us from fear to love (please have a look at my blog post on gratitude for more information).

My idea of success might be completely different to yours and that is completely normal. To some, money is the most important thing there is and wealth is their measure of success. To others, it might be status, love or happiness. These are just examples. We are all different, which is wonderful as life would be pretty boring if we were all the same. What is more, we evolve all the time and our goals and things that are important to us change with us.

To me a person who loves their life, who loves themselves and others, who is happy and grateful, who is kind and caring and who works every day on following love, on bringing more love to the world, is somebody who I look up to.

The most significant question however is this one - what is important to you? Take some time out of your busy life and answer yourself what it is that you really want. Do you enjoy your life? Do you like what you do? Do you like yourself, your values, your beliefs, the way you treat yourself and others? I am not saying that if you do not like something you should instantly change it, nor am I implying that you should feel guilty in any way as guilt, blame, fear, anger and any feelings coming from ego are not only not going to resolve anything, but will also make things worse.

I believe that it is important to spend time with yourself on a regular basis trying to determine what is important for you, who you want to be, how you would like to treat yourself and others and then observe and if needed, change your thoughts, feelings, words and actions. You have no idea how much your life will change when you change. You create your life every day with your thoughts, feelings, actions and choices and when you change them, your life will change as well 💜


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